
Brian Payne headshot
Interim Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

As Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, I am responsible for working with the President, other Vice Presidents, and faculty leaders to set academic priorities for ODU's Norfolk main campus and its Virginia Beach, Peninsula, and Tri-Cities Higher Education Centers. - Interim Provost Payne


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Vice Provosts

Woman smiling in front of blue background

Bonnie Van Lunen
Interim Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Dean, College of Health Sciences

Yvette Pearson

Yvette Pearson
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs & Strategic Initiatives


Laura Delbrugge

Laura Delbrugge
Dean, College of Arts & Letters

Erika Marsillac
Interim Dean, Strome College of Business


Tammi Dice
Dean, Darden College of Education & Professional Studies


Kenneth Fridley
Dean, Batten College of Engineering & Technology


Bonnie Van Lunen
Dean, Ellmer College of Health Sciences

Gail Dodge profile

Gail Dodge
Dean, College of Sciences

Timothy Hackman

Timothy Hackman
Dean, University Libraries

Shuntay Tarver
Interim Dean, Perry Honors College

photo of Karen Karlowicz

Karen Karlowicz
Interim Dean, School of Nursing

Associate Vice Presidents

Person Placeholder Profile

Luanne Bowman 
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

Tish Szymurski
Associate Vice President for Regional Higher Education Center

Assistant Vice Presidents

Dan Zimmerman

Dan Zimmerman
Assistant Vice President of Administration for Academic Affairs