Tutoring Resources
Request Tutoring Support
For courses that are not supported by any of our campus tutoring centers, students may request tutoring by completing the Tutoring Request Form ►
University Support Services
Student Support & Mentoring
For Minority Males | Brother 2 Brother is designed to mentor and provide support to young African American and Hispanic men graduating from college.
Student Athlete Academic Services | The Academic Services Team helps keep ODU Athletes on track with mentoring and tutoring.
Women's Initiative Network | The Women's Initiative Network (W.I.N.) Mentorship Program provides female students with additional academic and professional support.
TRiO: Student Support Services | Student Support Services provide peer mentoring, 1-1 tutoring, academic and personal counseling, financial aid services and workshops.
LeAders | LeAders connects students to enriching courses and active learning experiences resulting in a competitive edge in their chosen careers.
Mentoring Central | Connect with mentors and mentoring programs across campus, and access other important mentoring resources.
Peer Advisors for Veteran Education | PAVE is a peer support program that connects incoming student veterans with trained student veteran mentors who can help them navigate college.
Support Services at our Regional Higher Education Centers
On-site Testing/Proctoring, Degree Application Assistance, Admitted Student, Transfer Student & Non-degree Assistance, Advising, Course Registration, and Financial Accounts Assistance. Visit Us ►
Reserve Testing Space, Admissions, Registration, Advising, Exam Proctoring, Computer Labs, Dedicated Study Space, Meeting Rooms, Tech Support and Faculty Office and Workstations. Visit Us ►
Academic Support Services, Writing Center, Testing Services — on-site Proctoring, Career Development Services, Learning Commons, Computer Lab, Degree Application Assistance, Admitted Student, Transfer student & Non-degree Assistance, Advising, Course Registration and Financial Accounts assistance. Visit Us ►
On-site Testing/Proctoring, Degree Application Assistance, Admitted Student, Transfer Student & Non-degree Assistance, Advising, Course Registration, and Financial Accounts Assistance. Visit Us ►
Reserve Testing Space, Admissions, Registration, Advising, Exam Proctoring, Computer Labs, Dedicated Study Space, Meeting Rooms, Tech Support and Faculty Office and Workstations. Visit Us ►
Academic Support Services, Writing Center, Testing Services — on-site Proctoring, Career Development Services, Learning Commons, Computer Lab, Degree Application Assistance, Admitted Student, Transfer student & Non-degree Assistance, Advising, Course Registration and Financial Accounts assistance. Visit Us ►