Join us in Norfolk for the annual VACUHO Drive-In Conference hosted this year by Old Dominion University!
The theme for this conference is "You're Stronger Than the Tide: Building Resiliency through Restoration”. Acknowledging the challenges of this past year, we want to focus on reflecting and preparing for the future of campus housing and the trends that will impact our profession.
The Drive-In Conference will take place on Friday, July 12 from 8:15 am - 4:30 pm at Old Dominion University. Registration is open and will cost $50 per participant. This is to help cover the cost of meals, parking, and facilities.
Program proposals are open. Call for programs will close on June 9th at 11:59 pm. New professionals and interns, this is a great opportunity to share your knowledge and passions with the state! We welcome all to consider submitting a program for what’s sure to be an excellent time for VACUHO!
For more information, registration, and program proposals, click here.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Conference Chair, Dr. Krystal N. Allen.