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Faculty Research, Scholarship and Creative Achievement Award

The Research, Scholarship, and Creative Achievement Award is presented each spring to a tenured member of the ODU faculty who has exhibited consistent excellence in his/her research efforts. The purpose of the award is to recognize the accomplishments of faculty who achieve national prominence for high-quality research and scholarship.

All full-time tenured members of the faculty with at least five years service at ODU are eligible for the award. Full career accomplishments will be considered when a nominee is judged but special evaluative emphasis will be placed upon efforts while at Old Dominion University.

The evaluation of nominees will be based primarily upon consistent quality of research, scholarship or creativity, including:

  • peer scholar judgments, evidenced by publications of articles in refereed journals, publications of books, and monographs by nationally competitive publishing houses
  • reviewed performances
  • juried or invited exhibitions
  • awards and citations by professional associations
  • positive reviews of funded research proposals, scholarship or creative works
  • Simple quantitative measures, such as the number of articles published or the dollar value of grants and contracts generated, are not sufficient evidence of research quality
  • In addition, consideration will be given to non-professional acclaim for the outcome of research, scholarship, or creative endeavors.

Some years, the Office of Research recognizes two faculty per year to better recognize the latitude of scholarly activity across the university.

Nomination packets should include a CV, a short statement explaining why the researcher should receive the award and outline the significance of the nominee's research, scholarship, or creative contributions, and a jpeg photo of the nominee.

The complete nomination package (electronic version) is due by 5 p.m. EST, Monday February 26, 2024.

Please use "2024 Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Achievement Award Nomination" as the email subject line to ensure the nomination is received and considered.

Please send packages to:

Daniel Campbell
Office of Research

Previous Award Recipients

2023 Award Winners: David Burdige, Professor and Eminent Scholar, and Jean R. Delayen, Professor and founding director of the ODU Center for Accelerator Science

  • 2022 Patrick Hatcher, Professor and Batten Endowed Chair in Physical Sciences, and Ling Li, Professor and Eminent Scholar of Information Technology & Decision Sciences
  • 2021 Alexander Gurevich, Professor and Eminent Scholar in Physics, and Michelle Kelley, Professor and Eminent Scholar in Psychology
  • 2020 Khan Iftekharuddin, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Education and Director of the Vision Lab in the Batten College of Engineering & Technology
  • 2019 Lawrence Weinstein, Professor and Eminent Scholar in Physics
  • 2018 Richard Heller, Professor and Eminent Scholar in the Frank Reidy Center for Bioelectrics and Dana Heller, Professor and Eminent Scholar in the English Department
  • 2017 Kent Carpenter, professor in Biological Sciences and Katherine Hammond, associate professor of Communication & Theatre Arts and Director of Theatre
  • 2016 Kenneth Mopper, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Li Xu, Information Technology & Decision Sciences
  • 2015 Adolphus Hailstork, Department of Music and Debra Major, Department of Psychology
  • 2014 Ian Balitsky, Quantum Chromodynamics
  • 2013 Stacie Raymer, Communication Disorders & Special Education
  • 2012 Sheri Colberg-Ochs, Human Movement Sciences
  • 2011 Gary Edgerton, Communication and Theatre Arts and Li-Shi Luo, Mathematics and Statistics
  • 2010 Nancy Xu, Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • 2009 Mounir Laroussi, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • 2009 Lawrence Hatab, Philosophy
  • 2008 Sebastian Kuhn, Physics
  • 2007 Gregory Cutter, Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • 2006 Rocco Schiavilla, Physics
  • 2005 Chester E. Grosch, Ocean, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences and Dept. of Computer Sciences
  • 2004 Thomas F. Cash, Psychology
  • 2003 Wayne K. Talley, Economics
  • 2002 Ravindra Joshi, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • 2001 John A. Doukas, Finance
  • 2000 Hani Elsayed-Ali, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • 1999 Cynthia M. Jones, Biological Sciences
  • 1998 Anatoly V. Radyushkin, Physics
  • 1997 Chuh Mei, Aerospace Engineering
  • 1996 Eileen Hofmann, Oceanography
  • 1995 Robert Gable, Child Study/Special Education
  • 1995 John R. Holsinger, Biological Sciences
  • 1994 Kenneth G. Brown, Chemical Sciences
  • 1993 Daniel M. Dauer, Biological Sciences
  • 1992 Mark D. Havey, Physics
  • 1992 Karl H. Schoenbach, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • 1991 Daniel N. Sonenshine, Biological Sciences
  • 1990 Harold Marshall, Biological Sciences
  • 1990 Surendra N. Tiwari, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
  • 1989 Govind S. Khandelwal, Physics
  • 1988 Raymond W. Alden, Jr. Biological Sciences
  • 1987 Alf J. Mapp, Jr. English
  • 1986 Earl A. Thornton, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
  • 1985 Lytton Musselman, Biological Sciences

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