Research Interest: Biochemistry; Bioinformatics: The fundamental determinants of protein structure, stability, folding, and evolution are investigated as well as genomic adaption. Explore The Green Group

Research Interest: Dr. Gauthier performs research on diseases and the disease ecology of aquatic pathogens. His work involves molecular biology, cell biology, genomics, histopathology, and field research. Dr. Gauthier is also involved in molecular ecological studies of ticks and tick-borne pathogens with the Tick Research Group in Biological Sciences.

Research Interest: Development of computational methods and tools for biological problems that involve molecular structures. The scholar's current work involves developing the simplified representations of 3-dimensional protein structure components to reduce the computation, developing the corresponding energy functions using statistical approaches, and improving the optimization process using the geometrical constraints computationally extracted from the protein density. The goal of my research is to contribute from the computer science point of view to the grand challenge of the protein folding problem. Explore Dr. He's Lab

Research Interest: Computational Science, Computational Biology, Monte Carlo Methods, Markov Chian Monte Carlo Grid/Distributed/Parallel Computing, High-Performance Computing, Bio-inspired approaches, random number generation. Explore Dr. Li's Lab

Research Interest: Dr. Poutsma's research focuses on the application of computational methods to aspects of biochemistry and organic chemistry which cannot be studied experimentally. The majority of the systems are investigated by ab initio calculations (also known as quantum mechanical calculations) or molecular dynamics simulations. Explore Dr. Poutsma's Lab

Research Interest: Regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, adult and pluripotent stem cell biology, mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, mechanisms of aging.

Research Interest: I develop statistical and computational methods for analyzing biological data in the field of genomics, genetics, and epidemiology. My current research work involves developing and applying meta-analysis methods for large-scale observational studies and genomic experiments, integrating multi-omics data for a comprehensive understanding of a disease process, developing statistical methods for biomarker identification, analyzing gene-by-environment interaction effects, and protein identification from mass spectrometry data. The goal of my research is to statistically contribute to the field of biomedical sciences.

Research Interest: Structural Biology; Virology: Development and Application of Structural Biology approaches to medically relevant systems, such as virus replication machinery, and proteins linked to cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Explore The Pascal Laboratory