Chemistry & Biochemistry
Steven Pascal
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Molecular Biophysics, Florida State University, (1993)
M.A. in Physics, Kent State University, (1987)
B.S. in , Nebraska Wesleyan University, (1985)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Semler, B. and Pascal, S. "Synthesis of enterovirus positive-strand RNAs: discovery of viral and host determinants of RNP complex formation" $433,169. Federal. February 2020 - September 2023
- "Biophysical characterization of full-length Par-4 tumor suppressor" $1,500. Old Dominion University. January 2019 - May 2019
- "Par-4 tumor suppressor: structural changes that trigger the death of cancer cells" $10,000. Old Dominion University. January 2018 - May 2019
- "Expression and Purification of HRV-14 proteins 3D & 3CD for in vitro studies" $1,500. Old Dominion University. January 2014 - May 2014
- "Picornavirus RNA Template Synthesis, In Vitro Transcription and initial structural characterization" $1,500. Old Dominion University. January 2013 - May 2013
- "Looking over a four-leaf clover: structural characterisation of a critical picornaviral RNA clover leaf and its interaction with a viral protein" $735,000. Foreign. January 2009 - January 2012
- "The zipper, the butterfly and death: structural studies of an apoptosis-triggering protein-protein interaction linked to prostate cancer and neurodegenerative disease" $720,000. Federal. January 2006 - January 2010
- "Biomedical Applications of Plant Genes" $83,000. January 2008 - January 2009
- "Picornaviral Replication: Structures and Interactions of Two Key Viral Molecules" $630,000. Federal. January 2004 - January 2007
- "Automated Tune and Match (ATM) Module for 700 MHz NMR Cryoprobe" $75,000. Federal. January 2005 - December 2005
- "Structure and Interactions of a Protein Linked to Apoptosis Response in Prostate Tumors" $263,509. Federal. January 1998 - January 2001
Research Interests
Combining NMR techniques with Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) and bioinformatics to determine protein and nucleic acid structure.
- Daniels, M., Werner, M. E., Li, R. T. and Pascal, S. (2024). Exploration of Potential Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Targets in the Enterovirus Replication Element: Identification of Six Distinct 5' Cloverleaves. Viruses 16 (7).
- Raut, K. K., Pandey, S. M.., Kharel, G. M.. and Pascal, S. M.. (2024). Evidence of direct interaction between cisplatin and the caspase-cleaved prostate apoptosis response-4 tumor suppressor. Protein Science 33 (3).
- Pandey, S., Raut, K., Baudin, A., Djemri, L., Libich, D. S., Ponniah, K. and Pascal, S. (2023). Enhancing the conformational stability of the cl-Par-4 tumor suppressor via site-directed mutagenesis. Biomolecules 13 (4) , pp. 667-.
- Raut, K. K., Ponniah, K. and Pascal, S. M. (2021). Structural Analysis of the cl-Par-4 Tumor Suppressor as a Function of Ionic Environment. Biomolecules 11 (386) , pp. 1-13.
- Bowitch, A., Sahoo, A., Clark, A. M., Ntangka, C., Raut, K. K., Gollnick, P., Yu, M. C., Pascal, S. M., Walker, S. E. and Ferkey, D. M. (2021). Methylation of the D2 dopamine receptor affects binding with the human regulatory proteins Par-4 and Calmodulin. Micropublication Biology, Caltech Library.
- Pascal, S., Garimella, R., Warden, M. S. and Ponniah, K. (2020). Structural biology of the enterovirus replication-linked 5'-clover leaf RNA and associated virus proteins. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 84(2).
- Wortman, M., Dagdanova, A., Clark, A., Earl, G., Pascal, S., Johnson, E. and Dianne, D. (2020). A Synthetic Pur-based Peptide Binds and Alters G-quadruplex Secondary Structure Present in the Expanded RNA Repeat of C9orf72 ALS/FTD. BBA - Molecular Cell Research 1867.
- Clark, A. M., Ponniah, K., Warden, M. S., Raitt, E. M., Smith, B. G. and Pascal, S. (2019). Tetramer formation by the caspase-activated fragment of the Par-4 tumor suppressor. FEBS Journal 286 , pp. 4060-4073.
- Warden, M. S., Cai, K., Cornilescu, G., Burke, J. E., Ponniah, K., Butcher, S. E. and Pascal, S. (2019). Conformational Flexibility in the Enterovirs RNA Replication Platform. RNA 25 , pp. 376-387.
- Clark, A. M., Ponniah, K., Warden, M. S., Raitt, E. M., Yawn, A. C. and Pascal, S. (2018). pH-induced Folding of the Caspase-cleaved Par-4 Tumor Suppressor: Evidence of Structure Outside of the Coiled Coil Domain. Biomolecules 8 (4) , pp. 162(17).
- Abdelrasoul, M., Ponniah, K., Mao, A., Warden, M. S., Elhefnawy, W., Li, Y. and Pascal, S. (2017). Conformational Clusters of Phosphorylated Tyrosine. JACS (Journal of the American Chemical Society) 139 , pp. 17632-17638.
- Warden, M., Tonelli, M., Cornilescu, G., Liu, D., Hopersberger, L., Ponniah, K. and Pascal, S. (2017). Structure of RNA stem loop B from the picornavirus replication platform. Biochemistry 56 (20) , pp. 2549-2557.
- Sharp, J. A., Hair, P. S., Pallera, H. K., Kumar, P. S., Mauriello, C. T., Nyalwidhe, J. O., Phelps, C. A., Park, D., Thielens, N. M., Pascal, S. M., Chen, W., Duffy, D. M., Lattanzio, F. A., Cunnion, K. M. and Krishana, N. K. (2015). Peptide Inhibitor of Complement C1 (PIC1) Rapidly Inhibits Complement Activation after Intravascular Injection in Rats. PLOS.
- Elhefnawy, W., Boudion, A., O’Saben, E., Abdelaal, M., Pascal, S. and Li, Y. (2015). Structural Analysis and Prediction of Protein Phosphorylation Sites. ISBRA 2015 , pp. 5.
- Suzuki, R., Irie, R., Harntaweesup, Y., Tachibana, K., Holland, P. T., Harwood, D. T., Shi, F., Beuzenberg, V., Itoh, Y., Pascal, S. M., Edwards, P. B. and Satake, M. (2014). Brevisulcatic Acids, Marine Ladder-Frame Polyethers from the Red Tide Dinoflagellate Karenia brevisulcata in New Zealand. Organic Letters 16 , pp. 1580-1583.
- Li, Q., Pascal, S. and Li, Y. (2014). Intrinsically Disorder Protein Prediction using Undersampling Feedforward Neural Networks and Predicted Amino Acid Features. Proceedings of Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization Capstone Conference.
- Holland, P. T., Shi, F., Satake, M., Hamamoto, Y., Ito, E., Beuzenberg, V., McNabb, P., Munday, R., Briggs, L., Truman, P., Gooneratne, R., Edwards, P. and Pascal, S. M. (2012). Novel toxins produced by the dinoflagellate Karenia brevisulcata. Harmful Algae.
- Venugopal, H., Edwards, P. JB., Schwalbe, M., Claridge, J. K., Libich, D. S., Stepper, J., Loo, T., Patchett, M. L., Norris, G. E. and Pascal, S. (2011). Structural, dynamic, and chemical characterization of a novel S-glycosylated bacteriocin. Biochemistry 50 (14) , pp. 2748–2755.
- Sun, X., Jones, W. T., Harvey, D., Edwards, P. JB., Pascal, S., Kirk, C., Considine, T., Sheerin, D. J., Rakonjac, J., Oldfield, C. J. and others (2010). N-terminal domains of DELLA proteins are intrinsically unstructured in the absence of interaction with GID1/gibberellic acid receptors. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (15) , pp. 11557–11571.
- Edwards, P. JB., Kakubayashi, M., Dykstra, R., Pascal, S. and Williams, M. AK. (2010). Rheo-NMR studies of an enzymatic reaction: evidence of a shear-stable macromolecular system. Biophysical journal 98 (9) , pp. 1986–1994.
- Ponniah, K., Loo, T. S., Edwards, P. JB., Pascal, S., Jameson, G. B. and Norris, G. E. (2010). The production of soluble and correctly folded recombinant bovine $β$-lactoglobulin variants A and B in Escherichia coli for NMR studies. Protein expression and purification 70 (2) , pp. 283–289.
- Heady, S. J., MacAskill, U. K., Wright, M. A., Claridge, J. K., Edwards, P. B., Farley, P. C., Christeller, J. T., Laing, W. A. and Pascal, S. M. (2010). The Solution structure of the squash aspartic acid proteinase inhibitor (SQAPI) and mutational analysis of pepsin inhibition. J.Biol.CHem.
- Schwalbe, M., Dutta, K., Libich, D. S., Venugopal, H., Claridge, J. K., Gell, D. A., Mackay, J. P., Edwards, P. B. and Pascal, S. M. (2010). Two-state Conformational Equilibrium in the Par-4 Leucine Zipper Domain. PROTEINS: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics , pp. 2433-2449.
- Claridge, J. K., Heady, S. J., Chow, J., Schwalbe, M., Edwards, P. B., Jeffries, C. M., Venugopal, H., Trewhella, J. and Pascal, s. M. (2009). A picornaviral loop-to-loop replication complex. Journal of Structural Biology , pp. 251-262.
- Libich, D. S., Schwalbe, M., Kate, S., Venugopal, H., Claridge, J. K., Edwards, P. B., Dutta, K. and Pascal, S. M. (2009). Intrinsic disorder and coiled coil formation in Prostate Apoptosis Response Factor 4. FEBA J. , pp. 4134-4152.
- Dutta, K., Cox, C. J., Basavappa, R. and Pascal, S. (2008). 15N relaxation studies of Apo-Mts1: a dynamic S100 protein. Biochemistry 47 (29) , pp. 7637–7647.
- Headey, S. J., Huang, H., Claridge, J. K., Soares, G. A., Dutta, K., Schwalbe, M., Yang, D. and Pascal, S. (2007). NMR structure of stem–loop D from human rhinovirus-14. Rna 13 (3) , pp. 351–360.
- Wu, J., Fan, J., Pascal, S. and Yang, D. (2004). General method for suppression of diagonal peaks in heteronuclear-edited NOESY spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (46) , pp. 15018–15019.
- Mukherjee, M., Dutta, K., Pascal, S. and Fox, R. O. (2004). Letter to the Editor: Backbone and side chain resonance assignments of domain III of the tick-borne Langat flavivirus envelope protein. Journal of biomolecular NMR 29 (4) , pp. 535–536.
- Dutta, K., Engler, F. A., Cotton, L., Alexandrov, A., Bedi, G. S., Colquhoun, J. and Pascal, S. (2003). Stabilization of a pH-sensitive apoptosis-linked coiled coil through single point mutations. Protein science 12 (2) , pp. 257–265.
- Dutta, K., Cox, C. J., Huang, H., Basavappa, R. and Pascal, S. (2002). Calcium coordination studies of the metastatic Mts1 protein. Biochemistry 41 (13) , pp. 4239–4245.
- Dutta, K., Cox, C. J., Alexandrov, A., Huang, H., Basavappa, R. and Pascal, S. (2002). Letter to the Editor: Sequence-specific chemical shift assignment and chemical shift indexing of murine apo-Mts1. Journal of biomolecular NMR 22 (2) , pp. 181–182.
- Cox, C. J., Dutta, K., Basavappa, R., Zain, S. B. and Pascal, S. (2002). Letter to the Editor: Sequence-specific chemical shift assignment of calcium-loaded murine S100A4. Journal of biomolecular NMR 23 (2) , pp. 153–154.
- Cox, C. J., Dutta, K., Petri, E. T., Hwang, W. C., Lin, Y., Pascal, S. and Basavappa, R. (2002). The regions of securin and cyclin B proteins recognized by the ubiquitination machinery are natively unfolded. FEBS letters 527 (1-3) , pp. 303–308.
- Alexandrov, A., Dutta, K. and Pascal, S. (2001). MBP fusion protein with a viral protease cleavage site: one-step cleavage/purification of insoluble proteins.. Biotechniques 30 (6) , pp. 1194–1198.
- Dutta, K., Alexandrov, A., Huang, H. and Pascal, S. (2001). pH-induced folding of an apoptotic coiled coil. Protein Science 10 (12) , pp. 2531–2540.
- Huang, H., Alexandrov, A., Chen, X., Barnes, T. W., Zhang, H., Dutta, K. and Pascal, S. (2001). Structure of an RNA hairpin from HRV-14. Biochemistry 40 (27) , pp. 8055–8064.
- Arumugam, S., Pascal, S., North, C., Hu, W., Lee, K., Cotten, M., Ketchem, R., Xu, F., Brenneman, M. and Kovacs, F. (1997). Conformational Trapping in a Membrane Environment: A Regulatory Mechanism for Protein Activity. CHEMTRACTS BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 10 , pp. 246–250.
- FormanKay, J., Farrow, N., Pascal, S., Singer, A., Yamazaki, T. and Kay, L. (1996). NMR structural and dynamic studies of SH2 domain phosphopeptide complexes. Biophysical Journal 70 (2) , pp. TUAM3–TUAM3.
- Yamazaki, T., Pascal, S., Singer, A. U., Formankay, J. D., Kay, L. E. and others (1995). NMR pulse schemes for the sequence-specific assignment of arginine guanidino N-15 and H-1 chemical-shifts in proteins. Journal of the American Chemical Society 117 (12) , pp. 3556–3564.
- Pascal, S., Yamazaki, T., Singer, A. U., Kay, L. E. and Forman-Kay, J. D. (1995). Structural and dynamic characterization of the phosphotyrosine binding region of a Src homology 2 domain–phosphopeptide complex by NMR relaxation, proton exchange, and chemical shift approaches.. Biochemistry 34 (36) , pp. 11353–11362.
- Farrow, N. A., Muhandiram, R., Singer, A. U., Pascal, S., Kay, C. M., Gish, G., Shoelson, S. E., Pawson, T., Forman-Kay, J. D. and Kay, L. E. (1994). Backbone dynamics of a free and phosphopeptide-complexed Src homology 2 domain studied by 15N NMR relaxation.. Biochemistry 33 (19) , pp. 5984–6003.
- Pascal, S., Singer, A. U., Gish, G., Yamazaki, T., Shoelson, S. E., Pawson, T., Kay, L. E. and Forman-Kay, J. D. (1994). Nuclear magnetic resonance structure of an SH2 domain of phospholipase C-$γ$1 complexed with a high affinity binding peptide. Cell 77 (3) , pp. 461–472.
- Pascal, S. and Cross, T. (1994). Polypeptide conformational space: dynamics by solution NMR disorder by x-ray crystallography. Journal of molecular biology 241 (3) , pp. 431–439.
- Pascal, S., Muhandiram, D. Ranjith., Yamazaki, T., Formankay, J. D. and Kay, L. E. (1994). Simultaneous acquisition of 15N-and 13C-edited NOE spectra of proteins dissolved in H2O. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series B 103 (2) , pp. 197–201.
- Pascal, S. and Cross, T. (1993). High-resolution structure and dynamic implications for a double-helical gramicidin A conformer. Journal of biomolecular NMR 3 (5) , pp. 495–513.
- Zhang, Z., Pascal, S. and Cross, T. (1992). A conformational rearrangement in gramicidin A: from a double-stranded left-handed to a single-stranded right-handed helix.. Biochemistry 31 (37) , pp. 8822–8828.
- Pascal, S. and Cross, T. (1992). Structure of an isolated gramicidin A double helical species by high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance. Journal of molecular biology 226 (4) , pp. 1101–1109.
- Pascal, S. (2023). Understanding Quantum Science: a concise primer for students of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics. CRC press.
- Dingley, A. J. and Pascal, S. M., editors. (2011). Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy. Ios Press.
- Pascal, S. M. (2008). NMR primer: An HSQC-based approach (with vector animations).
Book Chapters
- Libich, D. S., Pandey, S. and Pascal, S. (2022). Conformational studies of the Par-4 C-terminal Domain Tumor Suppressor Par-4: Structural Features, Molecular Mechanisms and Function (pp. 95-126) Nature/Springer-Verlag.
- Forman-Kay, J. D., Pascal, S., Singer, A. U., Yamazaki, T., Zhang, O., Farrow, N. A. and Kay, L. E. (1996). Structural, Dynamic, and Folding Studies of SH2 and SH3 Domains NMR as a Structural Tool for Macromolecules (pp. 35–47) Springer US.
Conference Proceeding
- Arumugam, S., Pascal, S., North, C., Hu, W., Lee, K., Cotten, M., Ketchem, R., Xu, F., Brenneman, M., Kovacs, F. and others (1996). Conformational trapping in a membrane environment: a regulatory mechanism for protein activity? (pp. 5872–5876) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
- FormanKay, J., Muhandiram, D., Farrow, N., Pascal, S., Yamazaki, T. and Kay, L. (1996). Dynamics in protein complexes: Relationship between motion and specific binding (pp. C9–C9) FASEB Journal .
- Yamazaki, T., Pascal, S., Muhandiram, D., Lee, W., Arrowsmith, C., Farrow, N., Zhang, O., Formankay, J. and Kay, L. (1995). Pulsed-field gradient triple-resonance experiments for the study of the structure and dynamics of proteins (pp. 17–17) Journal of Cellular Biochemistry.
- Pascal, S., Singer, A., Kay, L. and Formankay, J. (1995). Rrefined structure and side-chain dynamics of an SH2 domain from PLC-GAMMA-1 complexed with a PY1021 peptide from PDGFR (pp. 33–33) Journal of Cellular Biochemistry.
- Cross, T., North, C., Pascal, S., Ketchum, R., Hu, W. and Lee, K. (1993). High-resolution structure, dynamics and function of the gramicidin-A channel (pp. 204–204) Journal of Cellular Biochemistry.
- ( 2021). Conformational studies of the caspase-cleaved Par-4 (cl-Par-4) tumor suppressor protein in the presence of various ions Poster American Chemical Society National Meeting (Virtual) .
- ( 2021). Conformational Studies of the Caspase-Cleaved Par-4 (cl-Par-4): Influence of Monovalent & Divalent Ions on the Conformational State of the Caspase-cleaved Par-4 (cl-Par-4) Tumor Suppressor Poster Graduate Research Achievement Day (Virtual) .
- ( 2020). Biophysical characterization of the full-length Par-4 tumor suppressor Poster American Chemical Society National Meeting (canceled due to Covid) .
- ( 2020). Roles of Various Cations in the Conformational Change of Caspase-Cleaved Par-4 (cl-Par-4) Tumor Suppressor Protein Poster American Chemical Society National Meeting (canceled due to Covid) .
- ( 2020). Tetramerization of the caspase-activated Par-4 tumor suppressor Oral Presentation American Chemical Society National Meeting (canceled due to Covid) .
- ( 2019). Acid-induced folding of caspase-activated Par-4 tumor suppressor Oral Presentation American Chemical Society Spring 2019 National Meeting .
- ( 2019). The caspase-cleaved Par-4 tumor suppressor folds at acidic pH Poster Graduate Research Achievement Day .
- ( 2019). Interactions Between Anti-Cancer Drugs and the Par-4 Tumor Suppressor Poster Virginia Acacademy of Sciences .
- ( 2019). Ionic strength-induced tetramer formation in the Par-4 tumor suppressor Oral Presentation Virginia Academy of Science .
- ( 2019). Folding of the intrinsically disordered Par-4 tumor suppressor under native and extreme conditions Oral Presentation Virginia Space Grant Consortium Spring Meeting .
- ( 2018). Folding of the Intrinsically Disordered Par-4 Tumor Suppressor and its Role in Cisplatin Treatment of Cancer Poster Eastern Virginia Medical School Graduate Student Research Conference .
- ( 2018). Folding of the Intrinsically Disordered Par-4 Tumor Suppressor and its Role in Cisplatin Treatment of Cancer Poster Graduate Research Achievement Day .
- ( 2018). Structural Determination of the Picornavirus Replication Complex as a Potential Target for Novel Therapeutics Keynote/Plenary Address Keynote Poster Presentation, Eastern Virginia Medical School .
- ( 2018). Folding of the Intrinsically Disordered Par-4 Tumor Suppressor and its Role in Cisplatin Treatment of Cancer Oral Presentation Virginia Academy of Science .
- ( 2017). Structure of the RNA Stem Loop that Circularizes the Picornavirus Genome Oral Presentation Graduate Achievement Day .
- Warden, M. S., Tonelli, M., Cornilescu, G., Liu, D., Hopersberger, L. J., Ponniah, K. and Pascal, S. M. ( 2017). Structure of an RNA stem loop that directs picornavirus replication Oral Presentation Viriginia Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting VCU, Richmond.
- Warden, M. S., Tonelli, M., Cornilescu, G., Liu, D., Hopersberger, L. J., Ponniah, K. and Pascal, S. M. ( 2017). Structure of the RNA stem loop that circularizes the picornavirus genome Oral Presentation Washington Area NMR users group annual meeting Bethesda.
- ( 2016). Bigger is Better, but Less is More: an NMR-centered approach to large systems Oral Presentation Frank Reidy Research Center for BioElectrics seminar ODU.
- ( 2015). Structural Analysis and Prediction of Protein Phosphorylation Sites Poster ISBRA (International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications) Norfolk.
- ( 2014). Hunting Rhinos in Hampton Roads (and other viruses) Oral Presentation Invited Seminar, Virginia Commonwealth University .
- ( 2013). Hunting Rhinos in Hampton Roads (and other viruses) Oral Presentation Invited Seminar, Eastern Virginia Medical School .
- ( 2013). Hunting Rhinos in Hampton Roads (and other viruses) Oral Presentation Invited seminar, George Mason University (canceled due to snow storm) .
- ( 2013). Hunting Rhinos in Hampton Roads (and other viruses) Oral Presentation Invited seminar, National Cancer Institute .
- 2020: $433,00 NIH R21 award: Synthesis of enterovirus positive-strand RNAs: discovery of viral and host determinants of RNP complex formation,
- 2010: NZD 735,000 Royal Society Grant: Rhinoviral cloverleaf structure vis NMR/SAXS,
- 2008: NZD 83,000 Hort Research Grant: Biomed Applications of Plant,
- 2006: Distinguighed Teaching Award, Institute of Fundamental Sciences
- 2006: Innovation & Excellence in Teaching Award: develop NMR visual for computer ,
- 2006: Innovation and Excellence in Teaching award: develop NMR visual aids for computer,
- 2006: Member, Board of Directors, ANZMAG, Australia-NZ Magnetic Resonance Society
- 2006: NZD 720,000 Royal Society Grant: Apoptosis/Cancer/Alzheimers via NMR,
- 2005: Distinguished Visiting Scholar NYSBC,
- 2005: NZD 75,000 Lottery Health Grant: Auto-tune/Match Module for NMR cryoprobe,
- 2004: NZD 750,000 Royal Society Grant: Picornaviral replication studies via NMR,
- 2004: Taught at EMBO mirror BioNMR workshop in Australia, G. Otting
- 1998: USD 275,000 DOD Grant Award to study Prostate Cancer Molecules via NMR,
- 1997: Michael Kashs Lecturer - outstanding alumnus, Florida St. Molecular Biophys Program
- 1996: Andrew Sass-Kortsak Award - Outstanding Fellow, Hospital for Sick Children
- 1993: Doctoral Degree with Honours,
- 1993: Medical Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship,
- 1991: University Fellowship,
- 1990: University Fellowship,
- 1989: University Fellowship,
- 1988: College Teaching Fellowship,
- 1988: Research Fellowship,
- 1988: University Fellowship,
- 1987: Research Fellowship,
- 1985: Graduation with Highest Distinction,
- 1985: Phi Beta Kappa,
- 1983: Board of Governors Scholarship,
- 1981: Board of Governors Scholarship,
- 1981: National Merit Finalist,
- 1981: Performance Scholarship, Music Department
- 1981: Westinghouse Scholarship,