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Source Data Matrix

Profile Attribute
Definition Faculty Update Location Staff Update Location
Refresh Interval
Data Source Contact
Name Legal or preferred name as it appears in your Banner employee record. Can also display a preferred or professional name. MPM or HR MPM or HR 48 hours after HR approval and update Banner*
Professional Name, custom accents and special characters are stored in MPM.
Human Resources: 683-3042
Photo Professional photo. MPM MPM 12 Hours after Web Communications approval. MPM itshelp@odu.edu
Title Official working title as it appears in your Banner employee record. MPM MPM or HR 48 hours after HR approval and update. Banner*
Supplemental Title is stored in MPM
Human Resources: 683-3042
Academic Rank Title afforded to faculty as defined and approved by the Board of Visitors. MPM or HR MPM or HR
48 hours after HR approval and update. Banner Academic Affairs: 683-4559
Department Department as it appears in your Banner employee record. MPM or HR MPM or HR 48 hours after HR approval and update. Banner Human Resources: 683-3042
Contact Information Your address, email and phone number. MPM or HR MPM or HR
48 hours after HR approval and update. Banner Human Resources: 683-3042
Biography Self-authored description. MPM or FAS
MPM 12 hours after entry. Faculty: FAS Staff: MPM Faculty - Academic Affairs: 683-5624; Staff - itshelp@odu.edu
Education\Credentials Qualifications earned including degrees and certificates. MPM or FAS
not available 12 hours after entry. FAS Academic Affairs: 683-5624
Web Links Any webpage that you wish to display in your profile. MPM or FAS MPM 12 hours after entry.

Faculty: FAS
Staff: MPM

Faculty - Academic Affairs: 683-5624; Staff - itshelp@odu.edu
Expertise FAS Expertise and Research Interests. MPM or FAS
not available 12 hours after entry. FAS Academic Affairs: 683-5624
Select Publications FAS maintained Books, Book Chapters, Articles, and Presentations. MPM or FAS
not available 12 hours after entry. FAS Academic Affairs: 683-5624
Honors FAS maintained Honors. MPM or FAS
not available 12 hours after entry. FAS Academic Affairs: 683-5624
Research FAS maintained Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research. MPM or FAS not available 12 hours after entry. FAS Academic Affairs: 683-5624

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