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ODU lion fountain in kaufman mall


Abstract Guidelines & Submission:

We are accepting abstracts from researchers at all career stages in the following areas:

  • Diagnostics: Biosensors, Lab-on-a-Chip, Microfludics, Point of Care Diagnostics, Advanced Nano-Bio-Sensor Technologies, (Bio)Nanophotonics, MEMS and NEMS Devices, Nanotechnology Based Imaging Technologies.

  • Therapeutics: Cell Repair Therapy, DNA Nanotechnology, Organ-on-a-chip, Nano Biopharmaceutics, Cellular Based Therapy, Medical Robots, 3D Printing of Organs and Tissues, Molecular Nanotechnology, Material-Tissue Interaction, Lipid Nanoparticles, Molecular Nanotechnology, Drug and Nanoparticle Delivery, Medicinal Nanochemistry, Nanobiomaterials, Nanobiomolecular Engineering Nanotechnology: Genetic Sequencing, Computational Nanotechnology, Molecular Electronics, Atoms and Molecular Computing, Nanoproteomics and Genomics, Mathematical Modelling, 3D/4D Printing, Innovative Imaging Approaches, Biomaterial Designing and Modification, Plasmonics, and Nanofabrication
  • STEM Education: Educational Applications in STEM, Mentorship & Research Training, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEM.

Abstract Requirements:

Length: 200 words

Additional Details: Title, Author Line, Author Affiliation, and Three keywords.

Presentation Guidelines

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Dimensions: Maximum 36" × 48". The recommended poster format is a standard landscape poster.


Title: The title of your poster should appear at the top with lettering of at least 42 pt font size). Below the title, place the names of authors and their affiliations.

Text: Text should be readable from five feet away. Use a minimum font size of 17 pt. Keep the text brief.

Figures: Each figure should have a brief caption. Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they are first mentioned in the poster. Make sure that the text and the visuals are well integrated.

The poster boards onsite will have a number that directly correlates with each poster in the conference program. Please place your poster on the assigned board.

Authors must print their poster and hang up and remove it before and after the poster session.

Oral & Spotlight Presentation Guidelines

Oral presentations are 15 minutes in length. 12 minutes for presentation time and three minutes for questions. Presenters are required to upload their PowerPoint files to the conference computer at least 15 minutes before the presentation section.

Spotlight presentations are 2-minute presentations with a static slide. Selected poster presenters will give spotlight presentations. Presenters are required to submit their PowerPoint slide to cbeinfo@odu.edu by Friday, April 5. The PowerPoint slide must include your assigned poster number.

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