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Junior Faculty Research Mentoring Program Deadline - 3/22/22

The Office of Research invites submissions for the 2022-2023 Junior Faculty Research Mentoring Program (JFRMP).  The JFRMP program supports ODU faculty-to-faculty mentoring by pairing a senior faculty member with a track record of extramural funding, and a junior tenure-track faculty member who wants to be mentored and commits to submitting a competitive funding proposal at the end of the mentoring period. The focus of mentoring activities must be on identifying funding sources and the development of a strong extramural grant proposal, not on increasing expertise/recognition within the discipline.

Mentees must be tenure-track assistant professors with fewer than 4 years at this rank, who are at least two years away from a tenure decision at the time of application.

There are two categories of JFRMP awards, Track I and Track II:

•Track I supports faculty members in disciplines where competitive extramural grant funding of $250,000 (in direct costs over the life of the award) or more is available.

•Track II supports faculty members in disciplines where competitive extramural grant funding of $250,000 or more is not a viable option. Track II applications require the advance approval of the Director of Research Development.

Submissions are due by 5:00 p.m. on March 22, 2022.

For detailed information on the Junior Faculty Research Mentoring Program please visit the link below:



For more information please contact:

Dan Campbell
Research Development Program Manager
Office of Research
x 3148


Posted By: Daniel Campbell
Date: Mon Mar 14 11:39:48 EDT 2022

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