Virginia Workshop on Social Mobility

Sponsored by the ODU Center for Social Mobility and made possible by the SCHEV Fund for Excellence and Innovation Grant, the Virginia Social Mobility Workshop brings together leaders in Virginia to develop strategies to expand affordability, access, and completion in higher education. Participants will learn about social mobility, develop action items that support student success, and work to close equity gaps.

Workshop Goals

Leaders will identify practices tied to social mobility that they:

  • Currently have in place and want to continue on their campus
  • Can enhance - creating scalable programs that support the changing Virginia demographic
  • Do not currently utilize but want to implement
  • Can partner with other institutions in the Commonwealth to address

Action Plan

Sessions at key points during the workshop will enable higher education leaders to create action plans they can use when they return to their campus.

Team Leads

Provosts and Chief Student Affairs, Student Success, and/or Enrollment

We invite institutional teams to the workshop (max. 5 campus leaders). Teams should consist of key success leaders representing different areas across the campus, such as:

  • Enrollment Management
  • Retention/Engagement leaders
  • Faculty members
  • Student Affairs/ Dean of Students
  • Advising lead/s

Agenda for Monday, June 3, 2019, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m

  • Welcome & Kick-Off

  • Remarks from SCHEV

  • Changing Demographics in the Commonwealth & Social Mobility Baseline Measure

  • Panel Discussion: Advancing Social Mobility in the Commonwealth

  • Student Panel: Advancing the Commonwealth: Partnering to Propel All Students

  • Creating a Social Mobility Action Plan for your Campus - Design Thinking