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Call for 2009 Virginia Outstanding Faculty Awards Nominations

The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) is sponsoring the 23rd annual recognition of the faculty excellence and will select twelve faculty members for the 2009 Virginia Outstanding Faculty Awards. Winners will receive a $5,000 stipend, funded by the Dominion Foundation and are recognized by the General Assembly and honored by the Governor at a ceremony scheduled in early 2009. The SCHEV nomination guidelines are available at Outstanding Faculty Awards on their web site.

Since the program began in 1991, twenty-two Old Dominion University faculty members have been selected for this award (see the attached list of winners). In addition, Professor of Music Aldolphus Hailstork received his award while at Norfolk State University.

The University Outstanding Faculty Awards Committee is seeking your help with identifying internal candidates for eight nominations plus one "rising star" nominee that have been allocated to Old Dominion University for 2009. A "rising star" must have less than six years of continuous service as a full-time faculty member and must be in at least her/his third year of service at a Virginia institution. One of the other nominees may be designated for a "teaching with technology" award, a special category that recognizes extraordinary success in the application and use of technology to teaching. Successful candidates must have a record as a faculty member in Virginia with superior accomplishments that strongly reflect Old Dominion University's mission and superior accomplishments in the four areas of scholarly endeavor: teaching, discovery, integration of knowledge, and service.

In the past, SCHEV has given preference to nominees who are outstanding in teaching and have made significant contributions in research and service. With regard to teaching, the committee looks for nominees whose outstanding performance has already been recognized by teaching awards and supported by student and colleague testimony. In the area of research, preference has been given to those who have published books and received significant grants, in addition to a substantial record of published articles and paper presentations. For service, preference seems to be given to nominees who have significant records of professional and community service. Integration of technology and instruction has also become a factor.

In order to nominate a faculty member for consideration for this award, please submit the following materials (one original and six copies) to Carol Simpson, Provost, Room 222 Koch Hall by August 14:

  • A letter that addresses the nominee's qualifications for the award
  • Copy of her/his current curriculum vitae
  • Quantitative and qualitative teaching evaluations for the past two years
  • Letter of endorsement from the nominee's dean
  • Any additional materials that demonstrate the nominee's accomplishments

It is important that the nomination letter, dean's endorsement letter, and curriculum vitae contain explicit information about any the quality and impact of the nominee's teaching, previous teaching awards or nominations (in addition to any other evidence of excellence in teaching), information about the faculty member's record of scholarship and grants received (in addition to listing other research accomplishments and recognition), and information about significant professional and community service activities.

The Outstanding Faculty Awards Committee will review the nominations in the later part of August and select up to nine University nominees. A representative of Academic Affairs will work with the University's nominees to produce final nominations for submission to SCHEV by October 16.

Faculty members selected as University nominees will receive a $500 award from the Vice President for Research, Mohammad Karim, to support scholarly activities in the coming year, will be recognized at a luncheon in the fall hosted by the Provost and the spring faculty awards dinner, and recognized by the University's Board of Visitors.

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