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You Visit Tour. Webb Lion Fountain. June 1 2017. Photo David B. Hollingsworth


Sunday's The Washington Post featured an opinion piece on the use of red-light cameras in the Commonwealth of Virginia written by Bryan Porter, associate professor of psychology at Old Dominion University.

The piece, "Seeing the Light: Virginia leaders have a duty to save lives," examines the benefits of using red-light cameras at intersections to crack down on red-light runners and questions the General Assembly's vote to stop such initiatives until 2005. Porter works with the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles and other agencies interested in changing unsafe roadway behavior. He has done numerous studies on red-light running, tailgating, pedestrian safety
and aggressive driving.

The entire article can be accessed online at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37010-2004Mar6.html.

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