Training through Service-Learning


Recreate, Educate, And Climb Higher (REACH) is a community-based program focused on health promotion for youth with type 1 diabetes. Our mission is to promote and support healthy and active lifestyles for youth with type 1 diabetes through the power of education, recreation, and the cultivation of positive and loving relationships.

We accomplish this mission through programming (funded by the Hampton Roads Community Foundation) that builds youth capacity to overcome adversity by using theory-driven programming to encourage personal development and behavioral self-regulation. We accomplish this through the intentional creation of an environment supportive of positive relationships that foster competence, autonomy, and relatedness. Our program gives youth with type one diabetes and their support system (i.e. friends, parents, doctors, nutritionist, program staff, etc.) an opportunity to learn, grow, and prosper.

Camp Webber

Through a gift from the ME Webber Foundation, the CMHD faculty and staff organize and implement Camp Webber, a one week sports camp for youth wtih visual impairments in Anchorage, AK. For more information, please contact our program director, Ally Keene, at

Mighty Monarchs

The Mighty Monarchs Adapted Sports Program is a community-based adapted sports program for youth with physical disabilities and visual impairments. The program is held on the campus of ODU and offers the opportunity for youth with physical disabilities and visual impairments to participate in adapted sports (e.g., wheelchair basketball, wheelchair tennis, goalball, beep baseball, and much more), on a bi-weekly basis, throughout the school year. The program is housed in the Department of Human Movement Sciences (HMS) at ODU and supervised by faculty and graduate students in Health and Physical Education and Park, Recreation and Tourism Studies.

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Thank You!

Many of our programs, including REACH, Mighty Monarchs, and Camp Webber, are supported by the Lions Club.