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Register for the Annual Heads of the Family Dinner TODAY!

<p> <strong>You Are Invited the Annual Heads of the Familly Dinner!</strong></p> <p> With more than 150 student leaders in attendance last year, Executive Board members had the opportunity to connect with other organizational leaders to network and create unique and diverse collaborations for future events.&nbsp; As you begin planning for a successful academic year, do not miss this opportunity to connect over dinner and expand the outreach of your organization.</p> <p> You will also have the opportunity to present a 1 minute infomercial about an event that your organization is planning and want other student organizations to attend or partner with you.</p> <ul> <li> September 30, 2014</li> <li> 6PM</li> <li> Ted Constant Convocation Center</li> </ul> <p> Each member (up to 5) of your Exec Board must RSVP by September 24, 2014, and you may do so by using the following link: http://bit.ly/2014oduhof .</p> <p> For more information, please contact the Office of Intercultural Relations at 757-683-4406 or oir@odu.edu.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>
* HOF_14.jpg  (636.8 KB)

Date: Wed Sep 03 12:14:09 EDT 2014

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