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Help for the Holidays

<p> <strong>ARE YOU WONDERING WHAT TO DO DURING THE HOLIDAYS IF </strong><strong>YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES OR FEELINGS START TO OVERWHELM YOU?</strong></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>COUNSELING SERVICES WILL NOT BE SCHEDULING REGULAR APPOINTMENTS DURING THE SEMESTER BREAK:</strong></p> <p> <strong>DECEMBER 20, 2012 &ndash; JANUARY 2, 2013</strong></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>IF YOU FIND YOURSELF OVERWHELMED BY FEELINGS, </strong><strong>CONFLICTS, EVENTS, ETC. WE HAVE SOME SUGGESTIONS</strong>:</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Consider the value of friends, family, and acquaintances.</strong></p> <p> Frequently we can calm ourselves and restore our ability to think clearly if we call a friend for a chat.You may not particularly need to discuss the &ldquo;problem&rdquo; with him/her.A friendly, warm-hearted chat often helps us get re-centered and better able to see what we need to do.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Remind yourself about your inner-strength and recent accomplishments or positive changes.</strong></p> <p> Think about how you would handle the situation if you had more power, better control, less fear.Then be courageous, and act as if you had more of what you see yourself lacking.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Seek immediate help if:</strong></p> <p> You have suicidal thoughts/feelings.</p> <p> You feel yourself &ldquo;coming apart&rdquo; and losing control.</p> <p> You are about to take an action that you might regret later.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>PLACES OR PERSONS YOU CAN CONTACT:</strong></p> <p> Counseling Services via Public Safety, 757-683-4000</p> <p> <strong><u>24/7 Crisis Lines</u></strong></p> <p> 747-627-5433 &ndash; Hampton Roads Southside</p> <p> 757-622-1309 &ndash; Tidewater/Richmond</p> <p> 703-527-4077 &ndash; Northern Virginia</p> <p> 434-947-4357 &ndash; Central Virginia</p> <p> 800-237-8255 &ndash; National Crisis Line</p> <p> 800-799-4889 &ndash; TTY</p> <p> <strong>911 &ndash; Police/Emergency</strong></p> <p> Family Physician/Clergy</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> We wish you Peace for Today and Hope for Tomorrow.</p> <p> Counseling Services, 1526 Webb Center</p>

Posted By: Lisa Jeffress
Date: Thu Dec 06 10:47:12 EST 2012

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