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VIVA Open Course Grants - Applications open through 3/1!

VIVA (the Virtual Library of Virginia) has announced a new round of VIVA Open Course Grants.

VIVA Open Course Grants are meant to support individuals and teams as they write new course materials, including test banks and assignments, curate a variety of materials together to meet the needs of a course, or adapt openly-licensed resources to help achieve pedagogical goals.

Open Course Grants will be awarded in four categories:

Content Creation Grants ($5,000-$50,000)

Open Pedagogy Grants ($5,000-$10,000)

Open Ancillary Grants ($5,000-$30,000)

Large Scale Adoption Grants ($4,000-$20,000)

More information about VIVA Open Course Grants, including a description of each grant category, can be found at https://vivalib.org/va/open/grants/course.

NOTE: VIVA now handles the publication work for content creation projects, including providing copyediting, book design, platform, and illustration services for awarded projects.

Applications for VIVA Open Course Grants are due March 1, 2024, and are available on the VIVA website here: https://vivalib.org/va/open/grants/application.

Please contact Karen Vaughan kvaughan@odu.edu if you have questions or want to discuss VIVA grants and Open Educational Resources (OER).


Posted By: Alisa Moore
Date: Mon Feb 12 09:40:30 EST 2024

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