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Wilderness First Aid at ODU

Dear fellow Outdoor Enthusiasts!
We will be bringing our Disaster+Travel+Wilderness First Aid class to Norfolk, VA on November 19-20th.     
MEDIC SOLO & Great Outdoor Provision CO
are bringing a
Disaster+Travel+Wilderness First Aid Certification Course
November 19-20, 2022


Old Dominion University
-Wilderness area-rural area (not near a hospital)
-disaster site or
-travel anywhere

This is a great course for anyone who ventures outdoors, travels, or wants to help in case of an emergency during a disaster! 
>> TIMING: This is a 2 day class.  8:00am to 7:00pm both days.

>> FEE: $245 (Note another org in the area charges $350.  You save $105 thanks in part to GOPC's sponsorship of the class!)

WHY: Mired in a disaster zone, travel or rural area far from a hospital, or natural area miles from an access point … accidents, destructive weather, and terrorism happen, and all-too-often members of a group are not capable of dealing with the emergency. This leads to improper care of the patient, and endangers the entire group. Many recreational accidents are preventable, and improper care of trauma can compound even simple injuries. Very few first aid programs actually address the issues of providing emergency care in a setting where 911 is overwhelmed or not immediately reachable. In this course, classroom instruction and Q&A are interwoven with practical work and problem-solving exercises. Hands-on experience – a most powerful learning tool – during scenarios comprise ~50% of class. You come away with actual do-it-yourself care-giving confidence.  Satisfaction guaranteed.

-No prerequisites
-For adults and focused teensKnow your loved ones are safe wherever they are.
-Hands-on learn how to care for an injured / ill person during the critical minutes or hours before ambulance / hospital arrival
-Blend of classroom instruction & hands-on rescue scenario practice
-Approved by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), Girl Scouts of the USA, American Camp Association (ACA), University of Virginia (100% reimbursement for certain academic employees), and more
-2-year SOLO WFA certification
-Counts as recertification for WFA, AWFA, WFR and wilderness part of W-EMT

-Beyond the 'golden hour': wilderness/remote travel/disaster-delayed EMS arrival injury challenges and long-term patient care
-Patient Assessment System: thorough patient examination, treatment, monitoring, safety, and documentation
-Orthopedic Injuries and Treatment: Sprains, Strains, Fractures, and Spinal Cord Management
-Circulatory System Form and Function: Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels, Lungs, Brain
-Soft Tissue Injuries and Wound Treatment: Contusions, Abrasions, Lacerations, Flap Avulsions, Amputation, Punctures, Impalements, 
-Bites, Stings, Blisters, Burns, and Infections
-Environmental Injuries and Treatment: Cold, Heat, Dehydration and Wilderness Survival
-Medical Emergencies and Critical Care: Shock, Allergies, Shortness of Breath, Brain Problems, and Heart Problems
-Patient movement: spinal cord precautions and clearing; pre- and post-evacuation treatment
-International Travel: preparing & packing for safe travel, problem prevention before and during travel, and identification & treatment of many travel illnesses - presented in a special hand-out for those who indicate interest. 

Instructor: Eddie Hill, Ph.D.

Course INFO, ONLINE REGISTRATION, other locations & dates: 
A fully completed registration and payment will reserve your spot in the class. Feel free to contact courses@solowfa.com with questions...

Posted By: Edward Hill
Date: Thu Sep 01 07:05:59 EDT 2022

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