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Dissertation Defense - Thomas Snukis

Thomas Snukis Dissertation Defense
Friday July 1, 2022

11:00 AM

Present at the Creation, a Redux: The Need for Strategic Minded Joint Force Officers

in a Rapidly Changing and Dynamic International Security Environment

Abstract:  The United States currently operates within a global environment dramatically different from the one, which emerged with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Regrettably despite the rapidly changing and dynamic environment, the United States Government (USG) has not fully adjusted from its Cold War stance and still lacks a coherent strategic direction for this demanding security environment, its rapid evolution, and future projections. To fully implement the necessary strategic foresight leading to thoughtful and well-anticipated foreign policy and military force application, the US National Security apparatus and for the purposes of this study the US Joint Force must commit to a focused analysis of strategic minded thinking and the methods to develop, institutionalize, and sustain that thinking within the US Government. It must also closely examine and adjust its organizational culture to ensure that the desired changes extend beyond the words contained in the current strategic direction and guidance to actual sustained implementation.

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Posted By: Ivy Robinson
Date: Tue Jun 28 08:10:41 EDT 2022

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