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Summer Dance Internship - DANC 368

Summer Internship – DANC 368 – CRN 34203

Jun 20-24 +

To register, contact James Morrow, jemorrow@odu.edu

This class is designed as an internship for ODU’s Pre-Collegiate Summer Dance Intensive. Students work closely with the Festival Co-Directors and festival faculty to support the day-to-day activities of the Festival. Students assist with general office management; creation and preparation of materials for students, artists, public engagement, events; program scheduling/logistics, and documentation. 

Students will also serve as camp counselors and artistic mentors. Responsibilities include coordinating and supervising a group of students; communicating regularly with faculty and Festival Directors; daily check-ins with students; taking a minimum of 2 classes each day with students; providing artistic mentorship and feedback for student choreographers.

Students work directly with the Festival Co-Directors as part of the media team. The focus for this part of the course is to gain experience in managing many social media platforms.

Posted By: Helene Clehr
Date: Thu Jun 02 14:32:37 EDT 2022

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