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GPIS Dissertation Defense Oct. 8

Old Dominion University

College of Arts and Letters

Graduate Program in International Studies


Dissertation Defense


Dawn Helene Driesbach

Myriad challenges regarding earth's common spaces, those unregulated by sovereign state authorities, mount and intensify as resources diminish and competition for commercial, scientific and security advantages increases; the pollution and degradation of those spaces simultaneously expands.  Threats to the global commons complicate efforts to achieve international consensus which impedes attempts to develop effective governance.  As an example, marine debris is a growing problem and is an existential threat to the global commons.

This dissertation aims to characterize marine debris as a wicked problem and explores the complexity of governance in the global ocean commons by answering two fundamental questions.  Under what condition(s) does regulating debris in the marine commons pose unique governance challenges?  Is the wicked problem of marine debris unsolvable?

An interdisciplinary, mixed methodology approach is used, to include the development of a novel System Dynamics model which is used to explore the reinforcing cycles of exponential growth of marine debris.  The design and analysis demonstrate multiple variables as components of a larger system and explores their dynamic interaction.

This study finds that marine debris is indeed a wicked problem.  Wicked problems are inherently unique and because of their nature, extant models of governance fall short in tackling them.  By modifying existing norms, governance can be adapted to confront marine debris with meaningful results and, by extension, other wicked problems, through collaboration at all levels and by adopting a progress-centered versus solution-oriented approach.  Intractable problems are intrinsically difficult to address and requisite governance actions need to be as multi-faceted and dynamic as the problems themselves.

Chair - Dr. Regina Karp

Committee Members: Dr. John A. Sokolowski, Dr. Peter Schulman



Thursday, Oct. 8, 2020

13:30 PM


Posted By: Margo Stambleck
Date: Thu Oct 01 14:04:10 EDT 2020

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