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Program for Undergraduate Research & Scholarship for 2020

The Office of Research and the Perry Honors College invite submissions for the Program for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (PURS) for 2020. The program will offer a number of grants to support one year pilot projects that will provide authentic research and scholarly experiences for undergraduate students. Faculty will serve as mentors to the participating students with the goal of attracting outside funding and/or to support creative activities basic to the goals of the university.

If you are interested in submitting a PURS proposal please contact your respective chair to review your proposal and complete the cover sheet form.

The form and proposal should be submitted to the Perry Honors College by Monday, October 7, 2019.

Visit the Office of Research site for further details including the cover sheet form and the complete Request for Proposals document.



For more information please contact:

Dan Campbell
Research Development & Outreach Coordinator
Office of Research
x 3148


Posted By: Daniel Campbell
Date: Mon Aug 19 10:58:50 EDT 2019

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