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Salary Equity Review Deadline Extension

<p> Due to the inclement weather and University closures of the last couple of weeks, the deadline for submissions for salary equity review will be extended.&nbsp; Please send requests to the Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity no later than <strong><u>March 13, 2015 by 5:00 p.m</u></strong>.&nbsp; Requests may be emailed to <a href="mailto:officeofinstitutionalequitydiversity@odu.edu">officeofinstitutionalequitydiversity@odu.edu</a>&nbsp; or faxed to 683-5844.&nbsp; Additionally, a third informational session will be held on <strong>March 10, 2015. </strong></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Sessions dates:</p> <p> March 3<sup>rd</sup> from 12:30 pm- 1:30 pm in <strong>Constant Hall 2003</strong></p> <p> March 5<sup>th</sup> from 12:30 pm &ndash; 1:30 pm in <strong>Constant Hall 2003</strong></p> <p> March 10<sup>th</sup> from 12:30 pm &ndash; 1:30 pm in<strong> Constant Hall 2003</strong></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Old Dominion University is committed to equitable compensation practices.&nbsp; In as much, an annual salary equity review is conducted to identify and address possible inequities in salaries of <strong>faculty and administrators.&nbsp; </strong>Cases for review are identified by the Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity, Asian Caucus, Association of University Administrators, Coalition of Black Faculty and Administrators, Hispanic/Latino Employee Association, the LGBTQ Faculty/Staff Network and the Women&rsquo;s Caucus.&nbsp; You may also self-identify.&nbsp; For self-identification submissions, letters should include a rationale supporting the belief that your salary may be adversely impacted because of <strong>gender and/or ethnicity.</strong></p>

Date: Mon Mar 09 08:56:34 EDT 2015

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