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Aerial shot of campus showing Kaufman Mall, Webb Center and the quad in the background

3/31 Walk A Mile

<p> Walk A Mile In Her Shoes<br /> March 31, 2015<br /> 12:00-1:30 Kaufman Mall<br /> <br /> CALLING ALL MEN! Be a part of the solution to stop sexual and relationship violence against women. Slip on a pair of heels and walk with us around campus showing your fellow Monarchs that you&rsquo;re an ally in this movement to end violence. Heels will be provided. Visit our information tables with various ways to show your support and participate in our Men of Quality photo/video shoot. Women are encouraged to attend wearing sneakers.</p> <p> Contact <a href="mailto:oduwalkamile@gmail.com">oduwalkamile@gmail.com</a> to register individually or as a group.</p> <p> 1000 Webb Center</p> <p> (757) 683-4109</p> <p> <a href="mailto:womenctr@odu.edu">womenctr@odu.edu</a></p> <p> <a href="http://www.odu.edu/womenscenter">http://www.odu.edu/womenscenter</a></p> <p> Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr @oduwomenscenter</p>

Date: Fri Mar 27 15:21:06 EDT 2015

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