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ODU Madrigal Singers and Collegium Musicum

<p> <strong>CONCERT&nbsp; THIS&nbsp; TUESDAY</strong></p> <p> <strong>Date changed to Tuesday, Nov. 6 - 7:30 - Chandler Recital Hall, Diehn FPA - FREE</strong></p> <p> ODU Collegium Musicus - Madrigal Singers - Sackbut Ensemble</p> <p> Directed by Lee Teply and Mike Hall</p> <p> <strong>Renaissance &amp; Baroque Music from Germany &amp; Austria</strong></p> <p> <strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; includind music by J.S. Bach, Telemann, Praetorius and Hassler</strong></p> <p> This is the first performance that will use the new set of SACKBUTS purchased this year. It is the first complete set made by the only American sackbut builder - and it is&nbsp;beautiful - both to see and hear! Mike&nbsp;Hall will play the earliest known sackbut sonata, and the student ensemble will play in several pieces, including a Bach chorale.</p> <p> For questions, call 683-4065 of email <a href="mailto:lteply@odu.edu">lteply@odu.edu</a>.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>

Posted By: Lee Teply
Date: Sat Nov 03 15:17:08 EDT 2012

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