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Students sitting and talking outside Barry Arts Building.

Titus Andronicus

 - time/details may vary.
04/08/2016 7:30 PM EST - 9:30 PM EST
Goode Theatre
$15 Student and General Admission
Titus Andronicus Written by William Shakespeare Adapted and Directed by Lee Smith and Katherine Hammond How far would you go for revenge? Join Warehouse of Theatre as they team with ODURep to bring this unsettling, visually stunning blackly comic revenge tragedy to Hampton Roads. Shakespeare's earliest tragedy, Titus Andronicus, has provoked shock, contempt and uneasy laughter since its premiere. It thumps loudly with the passionate heartbeat of the young Bard. Chaotic, violent and bloody. Titus Andronicus excites and horrifies in this tale of ultimate power leading to ultimate revenge. *Not suitable for ages 12 and under. April 6, 7, 8, 9 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $15 Students and General Admission. Tickets can be purchased online at oduartstix.com , or by calling (757) 683-5305 during regular box office hours.

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