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Tech Student Leaders Visit ODU's Technology Education Program

The Darden College of Education's Technology Education program hosted the Tidewater Technology Student Association (TSA) Fall Leadership Rally at Old Dominion University on Saturday, October 18.

The TSA is a national student leadership organization for middle and high school students that aspire to be future teachers, engineers, scientists, and technologists.

"The TSA Fall Rally provided students with leadership and technological activities as they prepare for upcoming regional, state, and national competitions," said Philip Reed, associate professor and director of ODU's Technology Education program.

Approximately 50 middle and high school students, along with parent and teacher advisors, visited the STEM Education and Professional Studies Department for this event.

The TSA regional officers started the day with a business meeting and then members of ODU's Technology and Engineering Education Collegiate Association (TEECA) took the students, parents, and teachers on a campus tour.

Next, the STEM Education and Professional Studies Department laboratories were used by the TSA students to prepare for competitive events in extemporaneous speech, model dragster design, systems control, construction challenge, website design, and promotional design. Student leaders and their teachers ran the workshops.

The day concluded with a closing meeting officiated by the Tidewater TSA officers.

Old Dominion University produces the second largest number of graduates in Virginia in the STEM-H (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Health Care) field.

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