Old Dominion University
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Molly Duggan

HIED 866

CCL 824

HIED 745/845

CCL 826

HIED 745/845

Course Syllabus


Course Number: HIED 745/845
Semester: Spring 2011
Mondays, 4:20-7:00 p.m.
Constant Hall 1036
Course Title: Today's College Student and Diversity
Course Sequencing and Prerequisites: Permission of the Instructor



Mary H. "Molly" Duggan, Ph. D.

Associate Professor

Community College Leadership Program

Department of Educational foundations & Leadership 

Office: Education Building Room 166-5


SKYPE: molly.duggan


virtual office: http://connect.odu.edu/officehourswithdrduggan/

(email to schedule all meetings) 





Required Texts:

1.Howe, N. & Strauss, W. (2000). Millennials Rising: The next great generation. New York: Vintage Books.

2.Black, J. & Associates. (2003). GenXers Return to College: Enrollment strategies for a maturing population. Washington D.C.: American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO).

3.Publication manual of the American psychological association, 6th ed., (2009). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Course Description: This is a lecture and discussion three-credit graduate course. It is a sociological survey of theoretical and research literature describing college students from multiple views. These include demographic profile; undergraduate student growth and development; cognitive and non-cognitive predictors of the impact on the collegiate experience; implications and outcomes of college attendance; and the specific characteristics of particular student populations (ODU Graduate Catalog, 2006-2009).

Course Purpose: The purpose of this course is to help graduate students demonstrate an understanding of theoretical and research-based approaches to generational theory via today's college students and their impact on higher education. In addition, students will gain experience in identifying ways to project the effects and influence generational groups have on higher education and future professional positions.

Learning Objectives: Given the opportunity, students will be able to demonstrate…

1.A better understanding of the current issues related to how and why particular student groups may or may not succeed in higher education;

2.A better understanding of how to identify, analyze, interpret, and present theoretical and scholarly research related to understanding today's college students;

3.An ability to discuss issues relevant to today's college students as well as debate varying perspectives in a collegial and professional environment; and

4.Design appropriate questions related to understanding generational issues in higher education.

Course Requirements: All students enrolled in this course will be expected to meet the following requirements:

1. Attend class on a regular basis,be informed of class topics, and participate actively and productively in class discussions and activities. Class attendance is critical to successful completion of this course. In addition, class discussions will provide multiple perspectives of higher education issues as well as be included in presented materials and the final presentation. Therefore, each class session is worth 8.5 points. It is advised that absences not occur or be kept to an absolute unavoidable minimum.

2. E-Mail and Blackboard Account: Students must activate and use their ODU student e-mail accounts. You will be responsible for checking your ODU account regularly during the semester and checking Blackboard at least twice a week for posted announcements and handouts. All students must have an activated ODU e-mail account and must appear on Blackboard no later than the first Friday of the semester. Since any supplemental readings will only be available through Blackboard, having access to this site is imperative. It is the student's responsibility to work with OCCS in correcting any problem as the instructor is unable to correct these errors for the student. Students with problems activating their Blackboard account should immediately send an e-mail to OCCS at: occshelp@odu.edu. Blackboard can be accessed at: http://blackboard.odu.edu

3. Prepare topical analyses of the readings and discussions relevant to today's college students and their influence on higher education as they relate to real-time issues. Students will submit a total of four (4) topical analyses during the spring 2011 semester. Criteria are provided in BB. Abstract required.

4. Intergenerational Interview Analysis: Students will conduct a minimum of six (6) interviews with individuals who represent three generational groups and prepare the results in a 20-minute oral report/presentation. The presentations will be given March 28-April 11, 2011. Two interviews will be conducted with individuals from the Boomer Generation, two individuals representing Generation X, and two individuals from the Millennial Generation. The intergenerational interviews will help students better understand how to project issues in higher education via the current literature and interpersonal perspectives on today's college students and their diversity. More specific instructions are provided in Appendix 1-B.

5. Professional Learning Interactivity: Class members have been pre-selected into groups and are expected to develop and present a professional interactivity based on relevant material/topic related to generational theory, scholarly research, and class discussions. Although students have been assigned into groups, each group will be expected to select its own topic for presentation. (Topics must be approved by the professor by February 14, 2011.) Oral presentations will occur on April 18, 2011 and April 25, 2011. The time allotted for each group presentation and discussion is forty-five (45) minutes. The criteria for topic selection and the grading structure are presented in Appendix II.

6.Take Home Final Exam: On April 25, students will receive, through email, the take home final exam that will be due on May 2, 2011 by 12:00 Noon via EMAIL only! Hard copies will be accepted upon approval due to unavoidable technological difficulties.

7.ALL WRITTEN WORK MUST BE APA STYLE, WITH CITATIONS AND A REFERENCE PAGE. There will be a half-point deduction for every grammatical, subject-verb agreement, run on sentences, APA style writing, and other basic writing errors for HIED 745 students. HIED 845 students will received a 1-point deduction for each error. See Appendix II for some of the common errors to avoid.


At least one interview per generation must include an individual who represents at least one of the following differences: race, religion, ethnicity, family SES, LGBTQ, abelism, nationality or political affiliation.


Class Format: A class period is defined as 4:20 PM - 7:00 PM. Each class period will begin with a discussion of the assigned reading/articles. After a 10 minute break from approximately 5:30 to 5:40 PM, there will be various interactivities as part of the weekly attendance requirement. Beginning on April 11, the assigned groups will present their professional learning interactivity. Any remaining time will allow for miscellaneous questions, assignment clarification, or issue bin items for later consideration.

Grading: Grades will be determined based on a maximum of 600 points according to the following:

  • Class Attendance & Participation - 20% (8.5 points @ 14 weeks = 120 points)
  • Topical Analysis - 20% (4 @ 30 points = 120 points)
  • Intergenerational Interview Analysis - 20% (120 points)
  • Professional Learning Interactivity - 20% (120 points)
  • Take Home Final Exam - 20% (120 points)

















Accommodating Students with Special Learning Needs: In accordance with University policy, students with documented sensory and/or learning disabilities should inform the instructor so that special needs may be accommodated.

Honors Pledge: Each student is expected to abide by the honor system of Old Dominion University:

"I pledge to support the honor system of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form of academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a member of the academic community, it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violators of the honor system. I will report to the Honor Council hearings if summoned."

Office Hours: Mondays 1-3:30 PM. Thursdays 9 am until noon. Also available through SKYPE (molly.duggan) and through video-conferencing. Other times available by appointment.

NOTE: This syllabus may change due to changing circumstances during the semester, student interest, or opportunities for guest speakers who may enrich the course.

A more detailed syllabus is available in Blackboard.