
blackboard resources

last.updated 6.21.09




Kairos refers to the 'timeliness' of the rhetorical message. Recent scholars have questioned whether kairos also has inventive and ethical dimensions. We will discuss the issues surrounding kairos, as well as how it applies to current writing studies, research about writing, and your own projects.


In an email addressed to the instructor, write for fifteen minutes about how you see the concept of kairos applies to your Demonstration of Application.

Discussion–Am I on Time?

As a class, we will address the following questions...

  • What questions do you have about the readings?
  • According to Carter, what is stasis? kairos? what is the relationship that he draws between them? How does he use this connection to redeem the sophists? promote social constructivism?
  • How does Doherty's definition of kairos expand upon Carter's? What is Doherty's explanation for naming the online journal about teaching with technology Kairos?
  • What argument is Powell & Takayoshi making about writing research, or empirical research in general? In what ways is research rhetorical? How does kairos help to inform the research practices that Powell & Takayoshi advocate?


Use this time to work on your Demonstration of Application. The instructor will be circulating the room if you need assistance.