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Barbara Bartkus

MGMT 427

MGMT 485

MGMT 750

MGMT 840

Dr Bartkus' Homepage


Old Dominion University


College of Business and Public Administration

Old Dominion University

Fall 2012 - Tuesday/Thursday  


Please do not change course sections without prior instructor approval.  Class size is restricted due to space limitations and for class participation and discussion. 


Professor:  Dr. Barbara R. Bartkus

Constant Hall 2055; Phone  683-3581         Please leave a message!

Office hours:   Tue/Thur 3:00 to 4:30 pm

email:  bbartkus@odu.edu

website: www.odu.edu/~bbartkus


All students must have schedules that permit consistent and punctual attendance.   Students are responsible for in-class announcements, lectures, quizzes, etc.   The instructor does not give personalized lectures to students who miss class voluntarily.   In the very rare event of an absence or a student is unavoidably tardy, the student is urged to contact a friend or classmate for notes and announcements.   Involuntary absences must be documented, and are a result of confinement to a hospital, court appearances, military duties, death in immediate family (parent, sibling, child).  ALL other reasons for missing class are viewed as voluntary absences.  Employee work hours, interviews, vacations and appointments are NOT acceptable reasons for missing class: please schedule these important events for other days &/or times. 


Course description: The Business Strategy and Policy course relies on conceptual and analytical skills to examine the challenges of firms.  We apply and integrate analytical techniques from accounting, finance, management, marketing, economics, and related business disciplines.  Two capabilities are of particular importance: (1) the ability to critically evaluate the profit potential of industries or environments and deal with the threats and opportunities presented by each; and (2) an understanding of how organizations work. Because this is a writing intensive course (as designated by the College of Business & Public Administration), organization, logical consistency, grammar, and clarity of your writing will impact your grade.


This course has three primary objectives:

            1. to understand the fundamentals of strategic management;

            2. to integrate the concepts learned in the business core curriculum;

            3. to improve writing.


Required text: Hitt, M. A. , Ireland, R.D., Hoskisson, R.E.  (2013). Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, 10e.  (Concepts only)


Prerequisites: senior standing and successful completion of: FIN 323, MGMT 325, and MKTG 311.  In addition, you must either have successfully completed or be currently enrolled in OPMT 303.   If you lack the necessary prerequisites, you will be administratively dropped from the course in mid-session - THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS!  This is an administrative function, thus you may not be notified of the drop in time to register for a different class. It is your responsibility to be sure you have met the prerequisites for this class.


You are expected to have a solid understanding of the material presented in your other business courses, particularly the prerequisites (marketing, management and finance) at the very beginning of the term.  If you do not understand the material presented in these courses, it is recommended that you take additional time on your own each week to review relevant sections of your textbooks from those classes.   We have a great amount of material to cover this semester, we do not lecture or review material from the prerequisite courses.

EVALUATION & GRADING:   Grades will reflect your ability to demonstrate strategic management thinking.  This includes an understanding of the strategic management concepts (processes, tools, and frameworks), the ability to apply strategic management concepts to hypothetical situations and real-world examples, and the ability to clearly explain your strategic thinking in written and oral reports. 


 Plus/minus grades will apply to the extremes of each grade.


900 to 1000


800 to 899


700 to 799


600 to 699


0 to 599



There is no 'extra credit.'   Students should be aware that poor performance in this term does not guarantee a seat in the next term.


BLIND GRADING:  To avoid the "halo" effect (in which class participation may spillover onto perceptions of written work) all work will be graded "blind" (as to author).   Papers, projects, exams, reports should have the last six (6) digits of the student's  identification number on the back (top left of the page), and the honor pledge initialed with the student's handwritten initials to indicate that the work is entirely your own effort (it is acceptable to simply write the words "honor pledge" with your initials).   Use your UIN (University Identification number) on papers.  Do NOT type/write your name on any class papers.




                                    1.    LAST 6 DIGITS OF STUDENT ID

                                    2.   INITIAL THAT YOU HAVE FOLLOWED THE ODU HONOR PLEDGE


DO NOT USE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER - there will be a10% PENALTY on each paper that uses a social security number.






Knowledgeable and informed contribution to class discussion                                             



Quizzes & In-class exercises   (2 to 5 quizzes/exercises; percentage value of each will depend on how much motivation is required to encourage preparation for class)


Strategy reports: (typed/word processed)

              4 (200 word) analyses at 60 pts each          


Business Report (Term Paper)


Exam  #1 @ 220 points


Exam #2  @ 220 points                                 


Final Exam






Grade Deductions

  Missing 5 hours of class time - please see the attendance policy.

              Cell phones & pagers (buzz/ring, making/accepting calls; or text-messaging): see the class courtesy section. )


EMAIL:   To minimize spam the instructor automatically deletes all email from yahoo, hotmail, earthlink, aol, etc.  Activate your ODU email account as soon as possible.  Please include "MGMT 485" on the subject line of your email.    Emailed homework must be emailed at least 60 minutes prior to the start of class to be considered on time.    (Also see the policy on late papers)


BLACKBOARD will be used for class announcements.


ATTENDANCE POLICY:  Attendance during scheduled class times is, of course, mandatory.  Students are expected to arrive promptly and be in class for the full time period. Absenteeism, tardiness, leaving early, 'stepping away' for part of the class discussion has a negative impact on the attendance portion of the grade.   Missing five hours of class time (any combination of missed classes , tardiness, and/or  leaving early) will result in a one full grade reduction (e.g., A to  B;  B to C; C to D;  D to F); each additional missed class (or the equivalent)  will reduce the final grade by another notch.  Students who have major personal or work related issues that affect attendance are urged to withdraw from the class and take the class at a more convenient time.




During class discussions, expect the professor to call on students randomly.   Please do not interrupt a student who is responding or struggling to respond to a question.  Such interruptions (even if your comment is brilliant) will have a negative impact on your grade. A student's ability to respond clearly and defend his/her views with logical strategic thinking based on strategic management concepts will determine this part of the grade. 


I expect students to interpret issues based on their own experience and judgement. But you must also base your analyses on careful reading and fact, not opinion.  Please make every effort to keep the discussion on an impersonal and business level.  Rather than state what you "feel" is correct, state what your analysis indicates or suggests. If someone disagrees, recognize that they are disagreeing with your analysis - don't take it personally.


When I ask you "Why?," or to explain your reasoning, it isn't that I disagree with your view.  Rather I want you to understand the reasons for your perspectives and be able to explain those reasons to others.   The difference between a barroom exchange and an in-class discussion, is that the in-class discussion includes logical explanations and support based on evidence, facts, and theory.   Your reasoning is equally if not more important than being able to respond quickly.


Students frequently ask if their opinions are of value in class discussions. Opinions that have a clear and logical foundation in strategic management concepts are valued.  Merely voicing your wandering thoughts  is not helpful to the class

Grading for attendance and knowledgeable contribution to class discussions:

superior  = ( 30 pts)  always prompt, always very well prepared; contributes good analytical insights

acceptable (20 pts) = rarely late or absent; well prepared 70% of the time; offers some insights and factual evidence; poor (10 pts) = late 3 times (max!), some basic preparation for most discussions;    Unacceptable (0 points) =  late more than 4 times, or unprepared 4 times.






Quizzes will be given to motivate students to prepare for class and arrive promptly.  Quizzes are based on reading assignments, lecture material, and in-class case discussions.


Students are expected to have prepared for in-class case analyses (cases and assigned readings should be read in advance; students should take careful notes and draft an analysis prior to class).  Knowledgeable contribution to class discussion requires extensive preparation for each class: assignments have been read, material has been studied, you have prepared discussion notes.  


Make-up work for quizzes and in-class exercises will only be available for students who provide documentation for an involuntary absence on the quiz day.   The assignment will be different (to avoid an advantage to the student who missed the class.  Allow several hours for the make-up assignment (you will have to read a case and hand-write a short analysis).


CLASS COURTESY: No cellphones, beepers, or alarm watches!  Do not make or accept any calls during class.  Turn your cellphone OFF during class.  "Text messaging" during class is not permitted.


Cellphones & pagers that ring during class and calls made during class will have an immediate and major negative impact on the grade.  The first cell phone use will affect only the attendance /contribution portion of the grade, subsequent phone use (a ringing phone or a buzzing pager) will reduce the final course grade by 3% for each occurrence.  


Cellphones, pagers, calculators, electronic translators or any other electronic device may not be held, viewed, or handled during an exam.  Checking (i.e., looking at) the screen on your cellphone, pager, or other electronic device during an exam will be viewed as scholastic dishonesty.


COMPUTERS & SMART PHONES:  Laptops, netbooks, iPads, smartphones or other electronic devices are NOT permitted in class. 


EXAMS: All exams will be proctored.  No notes or books are permitted at the exams.  Exams will cover text and lecture. Exams may be entirely or a combination of multiple choice, true/false, short answer and essay.  The final exam will be cumulative.


MAKE-UP EXAMS: Make-up exams will only be offered for involuntary and documented absence on the scheduled exam day to students who are consistently prepared for class and who are earning passing grades on other course-work.  Make-up exams will differ in format from the regularly scheduled exam and may be entirely or partially (some combination): written (essay), oral, multiple choice, etc.(at the discretion of the instructor.)   ALL make-up exams must be taken as soon as possible (generally within one week of the originally scheduled exam) and scheduled at the convenience of the instructor during regular daytime hours.







STRATEGY REPORTS: (these must be typed/word processed) A total of four (4) STRATEGY REPORTS are required.  Please read the schedule carefully, because the specific instructions for each report may vary.  


You are limited to using the information in the distributed case (also available in Blackboard) for your analysis.  No outside research is required or acceptable for the strategy reports.   Do NOT use information from the internet to write your report.

These papers are due on case discussion days (note assignment schedule) at the beginning of class.  Plan ahead so you allow sufficient time to find parking - because your paper must be turned in promptly during the first 5 minutes of class.  If you are late, your paper will not be accepted.


                              NO LATE STRATEGY REPORTS WILL BE ACCEPTED!! 


Papers must not exceed the word limit (see assignment schedule); should be in 12 cpi font, and be double spaced.  Hand written strategy reports will not receive credit.   Failure to follow format directions will result in an automatic 50% penalty.  Strategy reports are expected to reflect senior level work in a business college in a major University.


Students should have a second copy for reference purposes during class discussion.  If the student knows in advance of an unavoidable absence (regardless if the absence is classified as voluntary or involuntary), the strategy report is due prior to the absence.   If you are absent and are unable to turn in your strategy report it will NOT BE ACCEPTED following class discussion.   Emailed strategy reports (in the rare situation that you must miss class) must be received by the professor at least 60 minutes prior to the start of class on the due date!  You must email the report  in MicrosoftWord or Wordperfect format.  If files are in a different software format and/or cannot be accessed or opened by the Professor, the student will receive a zero for that assignment. 


HINTS FOR SUCCESS:   DO NOT  summarize the case!  Papers should have a brief (one or two sentences) introduction (explain the purpose of the paper) and a conclusion (indicate the implications of your analysis for the firm).  Reports are expected to be focused on the case question, precise,  logical,  based on careful and thoughtful analysis and be free of grammatical and spelling errors. 


Before you start writing a strategy report, read the assignment carefully (see the schedule in the syllabus) and be sure you have read and understood the reading assignments up to and including "current" chapters.  Create an outline of the main points you want to include in your paper.  Organize your thoughts carefully, provide just enough case fact to support your views.  Think in terms of writing for business: be clear, concise, and precise. (I only grade what I read, not what you "meant.")  Papers that do not specifically focus on the question or issue as listed in the syllabus and do not fit the precise assignment will not receive credit and cannot be rewritten and resubmitted.

fact (you may use MLA, APA, endnotes or footnotes). Headings, subheadings and page numbers ARE REQUIRED.  (Each section in outline must be a separate section with appropriate heading).


Business Report (Term paper)   Each student will be required to write a company report on a major publicly traded U.S. firm; each company must have a recent 10k available at the SEC website.  Firms that are included in our textbook (cases section) may not be used for this assignment.


The company must have a recent article dated on or after June 15, 2012 in the printed version of Wall Street Journal. The article must describe a recent major strategic issue or action (merger, acquisition, downsizing, acquisition, divestiture, CEO change, bankruptcy, outsourcing,  fraud/ethics issue, LBO, spin-off, or major international expansion into a new market.  You may find the article online, but the editor of WSJ must have considered the information to be worthy of paper: the article must have appeared in the PRINTED VERSION of WSJ.


Resources and information: Students may need to gather data from several sources (10Ks, current business periodical articles, investor reports, etc.) and create an analysis according to the outline shown on the next page.   At the end of the report, you must provide a reference list including only the resources and works actually cited in the paper.


The Business report is due on November 29 the first five (5) minutes of class.   If you cannot attend class that day, your paper must be emailed 60 minutes prior to the start of class to be considered "on time."   A printed copy of the paper must be postmarked or hand-delivered to Dr B's Constant Hall office within 24 hours of the emailed report.   Late papers will be penalized: papers handed in later during class will be penalized 10%.   Papers turned in after class on the due date will be penalized 15%; after 5 pm the penalty will be 20%, each day thereafter an additional 20% penalty will be applied, penalty 'days' will start/end at 5 pm.



U.S. Publicly traded company

Current (2011 or 2012) 10-k available at the SEC website.

Article is dated on or after June 15, 2012 and  is from the printed version of the Wall Street Journal

(article has a page number identifying where it can be found in the WSJ!)

Article is about a major strategic action (see list on "cover page" for the term paper)



Your paper must have the following sections identified by headings.  Each page must be numbered




approx # pgs


Cover page

you MUST use the attached checklist as a cover page



Article summary

Summarize the 'major strategic action" article  (The  article must describe the major strategic issues affecting the firm)



Company Description -

The company's business and product lines as described in the firm's 10k.  What part(s) of the firm are affected by the major strategic action?  Identify the business level and corporate level strategy



Financial analysis

Briefly explain the firm's financial situation (provide a ratio analysis of past 5 years; discuss trends)



Industry analysis

Analyze the firm's industry most affected by the strategic action (hint: use the Porter's model);




Discuss: does the firm have a competitive advantage? Provide logical & strategic support.

Does the firm's competitive advantage "fit" their business level strategy? Explain.

1 - 2



Reference list


Attach a copy of the article to your paper; papers cannot receive credit if the article is not attached.

 Maximum number of pages including cover page and reference list

Please: No binders, no elegant folders, no simple folders - just staple the paper!


Expect a MAJOR point deduction for failure to follow the format requirements.


Format:  You MUST clearly identify sources for each fact (you may use MLA, APA, endnotes or footnotes). Headings, subheadings and page numbers ARE REQUIRED.  (Each section in outline must be a separate section with appropriate heading) Typed/word processed, double spaced, 12 cpi.





PLAN AHEAD: "printer problems," "disk crashes,"  "virus problems," etc. do NOT result in waivers of penalties.  You're in the digital electronic information age - learn to make back-up copies of your files!


If you turn in a paper late -- be certain SOMEONE IN THE CBPA SIGNS THE TIME/DAY THE PAPER WAS RECEIVED. Papers slid "under the professor's door" or turned in without proper written time acknowledgment will be considered turned-in ON THE DAY THE PROFESSOR finds the paper(AUGH!).    Always email a copy of a paper turned in late - the professor does not take responsibility for papers that are supposedly  "lost" or "misplaced" by administrative staff.

GRADING CRITERIA FOR WRITTEN WORK:   Factors that contribute to (or detract from) the quality of a paper include: clarity (don't hedge, state your point clearly, provide appropriate facts from the case), precision (don't ramble just to fill paper), logical consistency, thoroughness, application of concepts from class, grammar, spelling, and format (appropriate headings &  subheadings).   Papers that do not fit the precise assignment will receive no credit and cannot be rewritten or resubmitted.


A          SUPERIOR! Your work is exceptional, impressive, accurate, logical; it has all required sections. Your work is far above and beyond basic requirements.  It demonstrates understanding of strategy concepts.  Factual evidence is reliable and has appropriate references.  There are NO grammatical or spelling errors.  You would be extremely proud to show your paper to a prospective employer.  


B          VERY GOOD!  You have a well-written logical paper that includes all required sections and definitely exceeds the minimum requirements for the assignment.  At the most, one or two minor spelling or grammatical errors.  Your work demonstrates a good understanding of strategy concepts, you have carefully researched the issues and can provide reliable data, with appropriate references.  You may have erred on one or two very minor elements. 


C         SATISFACTORY!  Your analysis has some logical elements, but includes some leaps (some statements lack adequate rational evidence); you can demonstrate a basic understanding of some strategy concepts.  The paper meets basic requirements for the assignment. (Or, your work is "A" or "B" quality, but the spelling and/or grammatical errors have  lowered the grade)


D         POOR!  You have difficulty using strategic concepts and terms appropriately; the work indicates poor knowledge of text, lecture, or case material.  Support for your views may be inadequate, missing or unreliable, or the work has an abundance of spelling and/or grammatical errors. (This is the highest possible grade for careless proofreading).


F          The paper demonstrates a lack of knowledge of strategy concepts with problems such as omitted sections, unreliable data, missing references, logical inconsistencies or the research is poor or inadequate. An "F" is also the grade for (1) late assignments or (2)  carelessly written papers, or (3) papers that are not directly relevant to the assignment; or (4) papers that do not reflect senior level work in a major U.S. University.  Please note that an "F" is recorded as a ZERO !   Papers that have any phrases and/or sentences that are the same wording as found in a case, a textbook, the internet (or any other source) but lack the citation AND quotation marks will receive ZERO credit.


SCHOLASTIC HONESTY is  expected.  Scholastic honesty means you do not give, accept or encourage  the use of unauthorized aid.  Scholastic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, unauthorized acquisition or distribution of information) will not be tolerated.  This means that all graded work is your own work, you may NOT copy the work of any other person (this includes friends, classmates, colleagues, internet sites, business associates, etc).


 If you "borrow" a phrase or a sentence directly from another writer (text, magazine, the internet, or  any other source) you must use "quotation marks" around identical phrases and list the source of the phrase. Even if you paraphrase (another writer's idea, but your own words), you must also identify the source of the original idea.


Old Dominion University's policy on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced.   Apparent violations of the University Honor code will be sent to the Honor Council with my recommendation that the appropriate  penalty for academic dishonesty is: an "F" for the course, AND simultaneous immediate suspension from the University for a minimum of  one full semester in addition to the current term. 


Your instructor: Barbara R. Bartkus completed her Ph.D. in management (specializing in strategic management) at Texas A&M University in 1997.  Dr. Bartkus also holds a B.S. in Public Administration and an M.B.A. (concentration in finance) from Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu.  Dr. Bartkus' career history includes over 15 years experience in marketing, management, and operations in the tourism (wholesale and convention planning) industry.


I look forward to working with you.  Please contact me if I can help to increase your understanding of the material.  Should I be late for a class session, please allow me 15 minutes. If I am still not here, you may leave.  Should we have severe or inclement weather conditions, consult the TV/radio for emergency announcements.