Old Dominion University
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Barbara Bartkus

MGMT 427

MGMT 485

MGMT 750

MGMT 840

Dr Bartkus' Homepage


Old Dominion University

Management 427:  Business & Society

Course description.. An examination of the relationship between business (usually the individual firm, but occasionally a group of firms in an industry or a set of headline-makers in different industries) and society (an individual, group of people, the general public, or government entity representing the interests of this individual or group or the public). Emphasizes stakeholders and ethics. The course material is both philosophical and practical for executives and informative and practical for citizens.

Prerequisites for the course:  You must have successfully completed one economics class and one accounting class.

Our text for the Fall term, 2011 has chapters selected from the Lawrence & Weber text.

 This is a DIFFERENT textbook than I used in the past.  (Yes, the text IS required)

In order to keep the text cost as low as possible, 14 chapters from the Lawrence & Weber text have been bound into a special text for our Fall course.

The ODU Bookstore has the text ISBN-13  9781121243835;  The price at the ODU bookstore should be approximately $56 plus tax.  The text is titled "Management 427  Barbara Bartkus"




 Here's the link to Frequently asked questions about Management 427 -

Contact Information

Email Barbara R. Bartkus

Office: 757.683.3581

Office Hours - Fall 2012

Tuesday & Thursday

3:00 to 4:30 pm

other days/times by appointment

Mgmt 427

General info Mgmt 427

Mgmt 427 FAQ

Mgmt 485 quick links

485 FAQ

Mgmt 840  Fall 2009  PhD Seminar

Classics Reading list


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Online Textbooks

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