
blackboard resources

last.updated 5.25.09




Invention, the canon for determining the source of one's content, has historically been bounced between rhetoric and philosophy. As a philosophical concept, invention guides the process of creating knowledge. But some scholars argue can and does do this work. Today we will address what invention is, how it is addressed in writing studies, and how digitality is changing the nature of invention.

Discussion–Developing our Content

As a class, we will address the following questions...

  • What questions do you have about the readings?
  • What are the canons?
  • What is the purpose of Aristotle's 28 topio? What is their relationship to logos? How might you update the list?
  • What is Burke's pentad? What is the relationship between motives and rhetoric? Why does Burke place a lot of emphasis on the scene? What is the difference between acts and motion?
  • According to Zulick, what is the connection between ethos and invention? How does she use Burke and Bakhtin to develop this connection?
  • What would the three scholars say about the following cartoon?

Activity–We Did The Mash

As a class, we will watch the following videos:

Then we will discuss the following questions:

  • How would Aristotle, Burke, and Zulick talk about invention with these two texts?

In groups of three, use the internet to find a legitimate commercial. As a group...

  • discuss how the invention strategies used for this commercial
  • sketch or outline a parody that you would do of this commercial
  • discuss the rhetorical strategies that informed your "revisions"