Old Dominion University
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Barbara Bartkus

MGMT 427

MGMT 485

MGMT 750

MGMT 840

Dr Bartkus' Homepage


Old Dominion University

Policy on Late Drops and Withdrawing from class


Old Dominion University's policy on class withdrawals after the "drop date"  as explained in the  University undergraduate catalog: 

" Withdrawal from a course after the eighth week of a regular session (or its equivalent in a nonsemester course) is usually not permitted.  However, in the event of an illness or other severe hardship beyond the student's control, the student should submit, no later than the last day of classes, a written petition for permission to withdraw to the instructor and the chair of the department offering the course" 

Please note the phrase: "in the event of an illness or other severe hardship beyond the student's control"    --   that means it is an extreme situation -- Poor performance  does NOT give a student the right to an approved late withdrawal from class.



Contact Information

Email Barbara R. Bartkus

Office: 757.683.3581

Office Hours - Fall 2012

Tuesday & Thursday

3:00 to 4:30 pm

other days/times by appointment

Mgmt 427

General info Mgmt 427

Mgmt 427 FAQ

Mgmt 485 quick links

485 FAQ

Mgmt 840  Fall 2009  PhD Seminar

Classics Reading list


Acad. Resources: Library databases

Citing Other Authors: identify your sources

Policy on Drop & Withdrawals

CBPA views on Plagiarism

Online Textbooks

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ODU Library