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Old Dominion University

FAQ - Management 427


The syllabus for Fall 2011 is at this link!

Frequently Asked Questions - Business  & Society

  Topics include description of Mgmt 427laptops and computers in class;  prerequisites, overloads, textbooksscheduling issues: vacations & attendance problemsarriving late/leaving class early;  voluntary & involuntary absenceshow to improve your grade, case presentations, computer crashesstudy groupslate paperspapers that exceed the maximum words/pages,  office hours, incomplete grades



What is Management 427?

Management 427 (MGMT 427) is Business & Society. It is a senior level, 3 credit hour course offered as an elective in the Management discipline.  Through lecture and real company cases students learn the major issues that confront businesses in today's complex society. 

The course description as listed in the ODU catalogue:  

An examination of the relationship between business (usually the individual firm, but occasionally a group of firms in an industry or a set of headline-makers in different industries) and society (an individual, group of people, the general public, or government entity representing the interests of this individual or group or the public). Emphasizes stakeholders and ethics. The course material is both philosophical and practical for executives and informative and practical for citizens.

When we think about some of the news in the past few years (Ponzi schemes, bailouts of companies that are "too big to fail." egg recalls, oil leaking in the Gulf, subprime loans), we realize that business does affect society and social interests do impact businesses.   Studying the issues and the inherent conflicts might help us develop better plans and solutions.

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Should I (may I) bring my computer (laptop), smartphone to class?

You may NOT use any electronic devices during class.  This means NO laptops, NO smartphones, NO cell phones, NO computers, NO netbooks, NO iPads, etc. 



I'm planning on a one week  [two week, three week] trip to a wonderful exotic destination during the semester;  Or, I am extending my summer vacation break for an extra week.    Or, I am not planning on being in Norfolk for the beginning of the Fall/Spring  term; Or I will be taking an extended Fall (Spring)  break.  Will this affect my grade?

This will have a major negative impact on your grade.   If you miss more than five hours of class time (for any reason) your grade will drop by one full notch (e.g., A to B),  each additional 2 1/2 hours of missed class time will reduce the grade by another notch.

You should not be scheduling vacations, interviews, family reunions, or work for class meeting days or during class time.   You have registered for a three credit hour class at a major accredited University: You are expected and required to be in class.   This policy is not eligible for a debate, a bargain, or exceptions.   

If your personal or work schedule interferes with consistent class attendance, you are urged to either register for a different (more convenient) section of Management 427 or take the class in a future semester.

Please plan your  Fall term carefully.   

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My work schedule sometimes extends into our class meeting time.  Therefore I might be late (or have to leave early) for some classes.  Will this affect my attendance grade?

This will have a negative impact on your grade.   If you miss more than five hours of class time (for any reason) your grade will drop by one full notch (e.g., A to B),  each additional 2 1/2 hours of missed class time will reduce the grade by another notch. 

Please note that I measure absenteeism by time, not by class session.  This means that if a student is late by 15 minutes (or leaves 15 minutes early), I  record that as a 1/4 hour absence.  Four days of 15 minute tardiness = one full hour of missed class time.   

You have registered for a three credit hour class at a major accredited University: You are expected and required to be in class for the full class period.   This policy is not eligible for a debate, a bargain, or exceptions.   

If your personal or work schedule interferes with consistent class attendance, you are urged to either register for a different (more convenient) Management elective, or take the class in a future semester.

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I noticed that the syllabus mentions voluntary and involuntary absences -- What's the difference ?

Involuntary absences must be documented, and are a result of confinement to a hospital, court appearances, military duties, death in immediate family (parent, sibling, child).

ALL other reasons for missing class are viewed as voluntary absences. Employee work hours, interviews, and appointments are viewed as voluntary absences and are not acceptable reasons to miss class.

The only acceptable reason to miss a class or an exam is an involuntary absence.



What are the prerequisites for Management 427?

Successful completion of one accounting course and one economics course. 

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Are the prerequisite courses really necessary?  

Yes.  The prequisites help you to understand some of the underlying issues that confront busineses and society today.

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I  would like to register for Management 427, but the class is full.  Will you sign an overload?

Suggestion:  check LEO on a daily basis to see if an opening becomes available. Frequently, students find an available seat. 

OVERLOAD INFORMATION:  If you are graduating (scheduled to graduate) in December of 2011, AND if you need Management 427 as an elective for your major, you will be overloaded into the class.  Be sure to show up promptly at the first class session. 

 Just for the record:  As a matter of policy, I do not sign overload slips.   Instead of a signature, I use my own coded password in LEO Online that gives registration permission to students.   This means that an  approved overload can be traced directly to my personal "ok."

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I need to retake Management 427, (I did poorly in a previous semester)but the class is full.  I think I should have priority over other students to enroll, Will you approve an overload?

Poor performance in the class does not guarantee a seat in the class in the next (or any other!) term.    Classes are not overcrowded during any term because some students performed poorly in a prior semester.

Suggestion: Check LEO Online frequently,  you might find an available seat.




The textbook is expensive. Do I really need to buy a textbook? Isn't it enough to read your BlackBoard notes?


You must be able to access a textbook during the term. This is a course requirement.   My lecture notes in Blackboard are not a sufficient substitute for careful reading of the text. The course is based on the text and class time is not devoted to reading the text to you.   Lectures cover some points in the text and additional material.


Whether you decide to borrow, share, rent, or purchase a textbook is entirely up to you: But you MUST have access to a textbook during the entire semester.  Reading the text (assigned chapters) is required.   Frequently, the instructor will give quizzes to motivate everyone to read the chapters prior to class lectures.



I heard that Management 427 is fun and easy, Is that true?  Or, I heard that Management 427 is really difficult...What should I do to pass/earn a good grade?

Management 427 is interesting, it can also be challenging.  It is a senior level course (i.e., a "400 level" course) and it is taught as a senior level course.  That means you are expected to arrive in class with the reading assignments completed.  Do not expect the Professor to read the book to you -- that's high school  -- this is college, and it is 400 level college!  You should be prepared for class.

If you keep up with the studying it should be very possible to earn a good grade.  It can be more challenging and extremely difficult to perform well in the class if you miss class.   Frequently, I hear students remark, at the end of the term, that they realize they would have earned a higher grade if they had read the chapters prior to each lecture (as recommended).

Generally, students can improve their performance in Management 427 through regular and consistent class attendance (this includes staying alert for the entire class session) and careful preparation for each class (reading each chapter prior to the lecture is the minimum preparation).  

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How do I know what is expected for the team case presentations? 

At a minimum, team case presentations should include a brief description of the relevant stakeholders and how the stakeholders have been affected by the firm's actions.   You should also be prepared to answer the discussion questions at the end of the case.

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Can we study or work in groups or with other students on the textbook cases?


You may study together.    

I do suggest that you not simply give your notes to another student who did not prepare. 

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Why don't you accept late papers?

Students who hand in a paper late have an advantage over everyone else: they had extra time.   Requiring papers during the first five minutes of class keeps it fair for everyone.

In business, late reports and late projects result in lost business deals, lost profits, and sometimes lost jobs!   The penalty in our class for a late paper is nothing compared to the penalty for late reports in the "real world."

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My computer/printer crashed... I can't get the term paper completed on time. What do I do?

This is a tough one.  Late term papers start to lose value immediately: generally the policy is that the paper will  lose 10-20% the first day and 20% for each additional day. (check your syllabus for this term's late policy)

You are living in the electronic age.  By the time you enroll in 400 level classes, you should be in the habit of saving your work and emailing it to yourself (particularly if you have put a great deal of time and effort into the report).   There are no "special considerations" for computer virus problems or disk crashes.   Plan on completing your assignments ahead of time; if/when your computer stalls, you have enough time to rewrite the report and turn it in on time.

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My term paper exceeds the page limit, is that ok?

 You will have to rewrite your paper and make it more concise.    It might be helpful to know that although you must have headings and subheadings for each section, you do not need to start each section on a new page.


Do you give "Incompletes" if I can't finish the term paper during the semester?

Not usually.  Incompletes are only given when the student has successfully completed at least 80% of the coursework and there is a family or personal emergency situation that prohibits the student from completing any of his/her classes that semester.

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Your office hours aren't a good time for me to meet with you.  Will you meet with me at a different time?

Yes!    I am happy to meet with you at other times/days.  

To schedule a meeting time, please contact me (via phone or email), be sure to leave a clear message (if via phone, please spell your name and include your phone number and area code).   


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I'm curious, what do you do with your weekdays when you aren't teaching?

One of the surprising things about the life of a Professor is that the in-class teaching is actually only one part of the job.   

Class preparation, grading, administrative functions, and University/College/Department committee work  also take up a large part of our time. 

We are also expected to perform theoretical and/or empirical research in our field.  This means we are frequently reading, gathering data, writing, and/or discussing what to do with the study with our coauthors.  (Imagine trying to create topics for several major term papers and then writing the papers.. and hoping that someone will publish the final result!).  

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Contact Information

Email Barbara R. Bartkus

Office: 757.683.3581

Office Hours - Fall 2012

Tuesday & Thursday

3:00 to 4:30 pm

other days/times by appointment

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